Chapter 6-- Bobsy-die

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Bobsy-die (noun)

Meaning: a great deal of fuss or trouble


<Black Rose's point of view>

My shoulders shudder and I glare at ground before me. I march across the terrain, knees high and ankles scraped (they heal almost instantly, so it doesn't matter). My bow and quiver taps my back with every step. Aquila is off hunting, I'm left to travel ahead on my own by foot to Katara's newest crematorium. 

Tracking Katara is like watching the waves rolls in then pull out. Sometimes, she's so close that her scent overpowers Aquila's nostrils, others she's so far that we have to start from near scratch. Yesterday it seemed as if we'd finally caught up completely, like Katara was only one step ahead of us.  

Everyday we don't catch her is another on my conscience. By now, Katara has killed even more people, or at the very least, robbed them of their homes and possessions. From what we can tell, she's travelling light, stopping often to restock on food and satisfy her bloodlust. 

Helicopter blades whir above me. I look up and see a small reflection of light from the sun flash from the open side doors of the helicopter. They're either signaling at me with a mirror, or tracking me with a camera. Knowing my luck, it's probably the latter. Great, more "evidence" to accuse me of being a mass murderer. Just what I wanted.

I flip my hood up and make my way into the still-burning village, refusing to care. I'll deal with it if they attack me. The fact that the fire is still cackling and teasing means Katara is nearby, so hopefully if they see her things will clear up. 

Everyone has either been evacuated or killed; I can't exactly tell which. Any evidence of life has long since burned to indistinguishable ashes. My skin feels clammy as the heat gets under my skin. My head feels light, too.

Fire and I have not been friends for a long, long time.  

I push on. I need time to investigate before the federal government catches up and confiscates any remaining evidence, assuming there's anything left to find. Mission takes priority over comfort. Still, I cough as the hot, ash-filled air thickens and fills my lungs.

I consider the burning houses, but there's no way I can go inside--the fire's too hot. Curse fire.

I stop to catch my breath, sweat dripping down my brow and falling on my lips. I heave as the quality of air worsens farther. Screw evidence. I really need to get out of here. This isn't just uncomfortable any more, it's too much. I can't find Katara if I'm dead of heat exhaustion.

I check the sky, and the helicopter is still there, following me. My guess is that this is the news flash of the moment, but I can't call Aquila to come find me until they leave. You could say she's my little secret. Only I and a select few others know she exists, save for the fact that I'm likely the only one of those few who's still alive other than Kit.

I stumble from the heat as sweat gets into my eyes, stinging them. I curse aloud. I need to get out, and get out soon. Unfortunately, there aren't many places I can go to get out of the camera's view.

I fight the heat that's closing in and somehow manage to stumble out of the burning town, but I'm still way too hot for my liking. I glance around with vision blurred by tears, coughing. My head spins. 

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