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~ this takes place a couple of years ago so don't mind the age difference and I'm also not very clear on the taylor timeline so this is all completely made up. Taylors 28 for the sake of this story~

Elizabeth brown was a 24 year old aspiring actress born and raised in London. she moved to New York in order to further her career in acting which hadn't been going to well for the young girl.

I was awoken from my slumber but the wet tongue of my dog lady licking my fingers. I giggles and turned around to look at my clock, HOLY SHIT ITS NEARLY TEN. I was supposed to be at an audition for a film in five minutes.  I quickly got up and fed lady, I grabbed a pair of black baggy jeans and a random black shirt. I put on my converse and grabbed my skateboard before I swiftly left my apartment.

I got to the audition 10 minutes later then I was supposed to. I looked around and I was surrounded by about 20 beautiful tall black women in braids, they were all stunning and they looked like models. As a 5'5 white woman with long blonde hair I felt slightly out of place. I knew I wasn't going to get this one. I waited for about ten minutes more before I just got up and left.

I was skating down a random street trying to clear my head, when I felt a buzz in my pocket. I Pulled out my phone and it was a message from my manager.

Soph: oh my god lizzy I'm so sorry I didn't know they were looking for black women

Lizz: don't worry Sophie it was a mistake. It's just another role I won't get it doesn't matter

Soph: hey don't talk like that, any day now we're going to find that one role that will make your career

I rolled my eyes at the screen, it's been four years and the biggest role I got was a toothpaste advert but I'm not going to argue with her right now cause I already feel like a piece of shit.

Lizz: thank you soph see you later. Xx

Soph: yeah see you later xx

I was just about to put my phone back in my pocket when I hit something. I fell to the floor and my skateboard went flying. Great just what I need right now. I had fallen on top of someone I looked down and saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes looking at me. Wow they were beautiful, no she was beautiful she had big plump lips covered by a vibrant red slipstain

"um hello are you going to get off of me or are you going to stare at me a little while longer" she chuckled 

"oh my god I'm so sorry"

I quickly got off of her and held out my hand for her to get up, She took it greatfully.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and I've had a really bad day and I shouldn't of been on my phone and I just want to be at home with my dog right now and I'm so sorry" I blurted out

She looked at me and smiled, her smile was amazing it was like all my troubles melted away as soon as the corners of her mouth quirked up. Wait she looks really familiar. Oh my god no way was that taylor swift.

"Holy shit.. you're taylor swift" I said kind of confused

She started laughing at my lost expression. Which made me smile cause her laugh was so cute.

"Yes I am-" she stopped for a moment "and I love your shirt" she said as her eyes wandered down to the front of my tshirt

I looked down aswell to see HER FACE ON THE FRONT I'd completely forgot about the joke tshirt my brother got me for Christmas last year from etsy. It was a picture of just her face in the form of a balloon right in the middle of a black shirt. When I was in middle school I was obsessed with her, she was all I used to talk about and I even thought about trying to become a singer because she was my role model. Obviously though I realised when I got older that I was only so obsessed with her because i was gay and in love with her, but I don't think I'll be telling her that anytime soon.

"I promise that I'm not a crazy super fan" I said with a shy smile

"How do I know I can trust you" she said finding this interaction very amusing.

I just stared at her not knowing what to say to plead my case. Her smile got wider as she watched me struggle to find any words.

"I don't even know what to say man" I finally admitted

"Didn't think so" she said looking me in the eyes. She turned around looking all over the floor.

"Didn't you have a skateboard. Where did that go?" She mumbled still looking on the floor. She went over to the side of the road where her giant bodyguard was standing.

"Oh shoot" she said looking just behind the curb. She lifted up my skateboard but it was snapped in two. "I'm sorry but I think its broken" she said with a sympathetic smile

Shit. Now I don't have a way of getting home and I'm miles away from my apartment. I don't have enough money to call a taxi. I went over to the blonde and took my skateboard out of her hands.

"It's not your fault I should've been looking where I was going"

"It was partly my fault I wasn't looking either. I was just trying to get into my hotel quickly without bringing too much attention to myself" she motioned to the very tall expensive looking building next to us. I looked around as more and more people filed into the street. She wasn't doing a very good job at not bringing attention to herself.

I think she caught on to what I was looking at as when I looked back at her she was looking at the giant crowd that had just appeared. "Why don't you come with us into my car and I'll buy you a new skateboard" she said with a sweet smile.

"Oh no you don't have to do that I'm sure you're very busy and I can buy myself a new one" I said nervously. I don't know if I can afford to buy myself a new one and I don't think I was very convincing either cause she just looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I insist on buying you a new one and it looks like my schedule just cleared up" she said slightly sterner. Which was incredibly attractive and I'm not going to say no to taylor swift so it looks like I'm going shopping.

~ hi thanks for reading my story so far, please leave any comments of ideas or anything whatsoever and if you're also into hailee steinfeld or Kate bishop go check out my story 'y/n stark and lady hawk'~

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now