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We were sat there for a few more minutes before a woman walked through the door she was wearing a grey suit  she had blonde hair tied up into a neat bun. "Elizabeth, Elizabeth brown" the woman scanned the room, taylor and I stood up I looked at her with my eyebrow raised she pulled me into a hug squeezing me as tight as she could "you'll do amazing" she pulled me away only slightly just so I could see her face "I know you'll do amazing cause you are amazing" she she slowly leant forward and kissed me on my head.

I walked over to the woman "hi" I gave her a confident smile and walked by her side back through the door I quickly glanced behind my shoulder at taylor she gave me a thumbs up with a massive grin on her face I laughed at the girl. I entered a smaller room with a table with three oldish men sat behind it I walked over and stood opposite the men.

The woman gave me a sheet of paper and sat down on a spare seat behind the table. I read out the lines that were written on the paper to the best of my ability but I was sick and tired so I don't think that I did very well. "You can go now thank you that's all we needed" the women interrupted me as I was finishing the last line. I stepped back out the room and over to taylor who seemed to be chatting some poor guys ear off.

When taylor saw me she could see that I wasn't feeling very good "how did it go" I just looked up into her deep blue eyes "I don't know I just think I want to go home and rest" she smiled at me "nope I'm going to make you soup"

"What do you mean you're making me soup" her smile was getting bigger "you are not well so I'm making you soup and don't argue with me because I'm you're ride home" she grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the car. She threw off her disguise and pulled out of her parking space almost immediately I barely had time to put me seat belt on.

We were driving for a good while she had driven completely in the wrong direction to my house and we had just entered the posh neighbourhood. Taylor hadn't said anything to me the whole drive so far she just kept glancing over at me every now and then with a slight smirk on her face.

We pulled up to an apartment building that looked very expensive like If I ever wanted to afford anything like this I'd need to sell my sole to the devil expensive.

"Get out" taylor smirked at me.

"What? why? Where are we?"She gave me a very stern look "just get out please"

I did what she said I unbuckled my seatbelt and hopped out the passenger seat. I was greeted by a huge man but not Greg I have no idea who this huge man was. Taylor strolled over to me and threw her keys at the man who caught them effortlessly with one hand.

"Walk with me" taylor linked our arms and lead me up to a very large door. Standing outside  was a slightly sterner looking Greg "hello miss swift" he said plainly she gave him an apologetic smile "sup Gregory" I put my hand up for a high-five which he complied to.

Greg opened the door for us and we continued inside. It was quite a grand Hall with pictures of god knows what lining the walls, at the end was a lift. We stepped inside, taylor pressed one of the buttons that had a large p on it.

We reached a front door and taylor put her keys in the key hole. "Welcome to my apartment" she walked into the house and I followed behind her.

"Come sit down on the couch and then I'm making you soup" I was really confused but I did what she said and sat down. Taylor walked off into her kitchen, she started pulling ingredients out of cupboards. "You can put something on if you like" taylor came back over to me and handed me the TV remote.

She went back to cooking and I turned on the TV I though about it for a moment before I decided to click onto new girl on Disney +. I looked over at the blonde she was humming to herself in the kitchen I smirked myself and pressed onto an episode.

I'd been watching it for a few minutes before taylor came and sat next to me. Within a few seconds of her being there and watching the TV she turned to me with a slight shocked expression "are you kidding me right now. Out of all the episodes you could of picked you picked the one I'm in" I turned to her with a giant grin on my face "you are ridiculous" she pushed me slightly "what it's my favourite episode" I pushed her back mockingly.

She stood up with a huff and went back to work in the kitchen. 15 minutes later taylor came back with two bowls in her hands. "What did I say soup" she gave me one along with a spoon and placed her bowl on her lap started sipping it.

We sat there for a long while more we'd finished our soup and laughed about taylors acting for a while. I was getting tired, taylors chicken soup was amazing, her couch was really comfy and I was already exhausted before. I slowly felt my eyes beginning to shut, I was trying to stay awake and finish the episode of new girl that had just come on but I couldn't help it in a matter of seconds my eyes were closed and I'd fallen asleep.

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