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"What the fuck is wrong with you" I went and sat opposite taylor. She didn't reply she was just staring blankly at me "you wanted to talk, so talk" she looked down at her hands.

"I'm leaving" I got up but taylor grabbed my hand "wait" the sudden contact with the singer took me by surprise, I didn't even realise how much I missed her touch until now.

Me and taylor were standing now, her hand still tightly around mine. "This is your last chance to talk so get it all out now" she sighed dramatically "Elizabeth-"

"Wow no lizard this must be serious" she scoffed at me "it is serious lizzy but I don't actually know how to start" I took her free hand in mine "deep breaths darling" she looked away from me "don't call me that please"

I gave her a questioning look "what? Darling?" She looked back to me but her expression had changed "yes" her hands drifted up my arms to my shoulders "why?"

"Because... Its just not a good idea" I don't really know what she means by that and I don't know why she's acting so weird recently.

"Lizzy I don't want you to ignore me and I know it's my fault but I don't want to stop being friends with you, I love spending time with you"

"Taylor... why do you care so much about me you barley know me, you have loads of friends why are you so persistent on being my friend, we've only really just met"

"let's not stand here and pretend that you don't know why I'm so invested in us, you know exactly why" taylor was staring intensely into my eyes. I had an idea of what she was talking about now but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

"I need you to say it out loud" I found myself whispering. Our bodies were really close together I could feel heat radiating off of her, I put my hands lightly on her waist and could feel goosebumps under my fingertips.

"I-I like you lizzy and not in a friend way, I like you in a I want to kiss you all the time and well you know... kind of way" I couldn't help but smile at her stumbing over her words it's adorable "it would be nice if you could say something, anything Elizabeth"

The girl looked really stressed out it was quite entertaining "sorry darling" she took a small step closer to me "I told you not to call me that" I smirked at her "Oh yeah...what are you going to do about it?"

She went red and shook her head "shut up we're TALKING right now nothing else. Ok?" I smiled up at her and nodded "you know you still haven't said anything about what I said and it's starting to make me feel a little insecure not gonna lie"

I put my hand up to her face and brushed my thumb over her cheek "I like you aswell taylor very much and I also want to kiss you all the time, funny enough I'm trying not to right now" she was almost as red and her lipstick now.

"Well that's really interesting lizard, good to know for the futur- not that I mean we have to have a future I just meant that it's information that could be handy in the not so far future to-"

"Taylor I think we've done enough talking. Can I kiss you now?" She exhaled a deep breath "yes please" I put both my hands on her cheeks and pushed my lips on hers. I could taste the coffee on her lips and I'm not the biggest coffee fan but it tasted amazing.

We stayed like that until I couldn't breath anymore and had to pull away taylors hands started wandering but I don't think this is the time for it to get anymore heated. "Watch where those hands are going miss swift" she rolled her eyes "don't you worry I am definitely watching where they're going very closely"

"You're gross" I pushed her face away from me "come on I want to go home it's late" I grabbed her hand and my stuff but she was just looking at me with a stupid grin on her face.

I dragged her out to the car park and we sat down on the curb waiting for Greg to bring the car around. Taylor actually likes me I can't believe she actually has feelings for me I feel like a school girl with a crush.

Taylor scooted close to me I wrapped my arms around her and she tucked her head into my neck. A car that wasn't Greg stopped infront of us they then rolled down the window taylor jumped off of me suddenly.

It was cassie "hey there you two how's it going" she had a big smile on her face. I stood up and went over to her car "hey cass I thought you'd gone home" she pushed her glasses down her nose "yeah I just had some things to do first but I'm going home now"

"Since when did you wear glasses?" She took them off her face "yeah I have to wear them I just choose not to most of the time" I leant down on the car to get a closer look "put them on again for a second"

"I think not" I put my arm through the window and took the glasses out of the woman's hand. She raised her eyebrow and I put them back on her face "I think they look great you should wear them more" she rolled her eyes at me "I should get going see you tomorrow" I gave her a hug through the open window and she drove off.

I walked back over to taylor "she's very friendly" I could feel the passive aggressiveness of that statement but I'm going to ignore it "yeah she is"

Greg drove up and we got into the car and he took off again. Taylor looked over to me with a big grin on her face she took my hand in hers. She's so pretty I'm struggling so hard to not jump her bones in the back of this car right now.

We pulled up outside my house, said goodbye to Greg and went inside. Archer was laying on the couch again I swear that man never moves from that spot, at least he was awake this time. He turned round and looked between me and taylor "you've got a guest"

"I'll tell you what sherlock Holmes you are unbelievable" he gave me a fake smile and looked back to taylor "sup swift it's nice to see you again and in a much less compromising position" I sighed at him "nice to see you too man" she chuckled.

Archer turned on the TV and started flicking through the channels. "We're going to go to my room please do not disturb" I dragged taylor through the house and opened up my door.

"Have fun kids, use protection I don't want any nieces or nephews running around any time soon" he then stuffed a handful of popcorn into his mouth. I scoffed at him but taylor chuckled and responded "will do" before I shut the door behind us.

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now