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the large bodyguard opened the door for me to get in the back of taylors black SUV. I climbed in hesitantly not being able to pull my eyes away from the man.

"That's Greg, he looks really scary but he's actually just a big softy" taylor smiled " by the way whats your name crazy super fan" she joked

"Oh my god the miss taylor swift a woman of many talents seems to be a comedian too" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes "my names Elizabeth but the miss taylor swift can call me lizzy"

"Are you going to keep referring to me as the miss taylor swift" she said giving me a fake dirty look not being able to stop her smile "Yes.Yes I am" I said with a blank expression, she slapped my arm lightly and rolled her eyes."fine then I'll call you lizard" I opened my mouth to spit out a comeback but it wasn't worth it, I closed my mouth again and taylor chuckled at me.

I buckled my seat belt as did taylor, Greg got in the drivers seat and pulled out of the parking space. No going back now. Me and taylor didn't really speak much on the way, she just stayed looking out the window amusedly with a giant smile plastered on her face. I couldn't help but smile at the girl.

When we pulled up to a skate shop taylor unbuckled her seat belt and leant over me to grab something. She gave me an apologetic smile for having to crush me. She had grabbed a large duffle bag, inside was a plain black hoodie and sun glasses. I looked at her with a puzzled look furrowing my eyebrows.

"Better to be safe then sorry" she shrugged

"I'm pretty sure putting glasses on isn't going to trick anyone" I chuckled slightly

"You'd be surprised" she winked at me and put the hoodie over her head and the glasses on her face "let's go". Greg came and opened our door and we both climbed out, taylor put up her hood and we both walked into the shop. How on earth did I end up buying a skateboard with THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT what the hell.

She cleared her throat to get my attention as I was lost deep in thought. "do you want to just look around, you can get whatever one you want" she said casually touching my arm. It sent a wave of electricity through my body but I'm just going to ignore that for now.

I started looking around at all the many different styles of skateboards with taylor trailing close behind and of course Greg aswell. I came up to a board with a nice metallic blue at the bottom. I picked it up to look at closer it was only a cheap one but it would do and I'm not going to be someone to inconvenience THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT.

"This one looks cool" I said shyly. She looked at me and smiled "did you only get this one because its cheap?"

"What? No. Maybe?" I mumbled to her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the board.we walked over to the counter and the shop assistant rang it up, it only came up to 15 dollars but I was still very appreciative of the singer. While she was chatting to the young girl behind the counter who wasn't very fooled by taylors amazing disguise I took a moment to admire how she acts. She's very graceful and not at the same time. It's like a cute awkwardness.

Taylor decided that wearing the hoodie wasn't worth it so she took it off along with the glasses, I mean they worked for a little bit but there was no point now someone noticed her. Her long blonde hair fell down to her shoulders, slightly curly. Her dress a lovely light shade of blue that brought out her eyes beautifully.

Taylor felt my gaze on the back of her head so she swung round and looked at me with yet again another smile on her face. You couldn't not reciprocate a smile when THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT smiles at you, I'm pretty sure there's a law against it.

After taylor had taken a couple of pictures with some fans which I had the pleasure of taking for them, she came back over to me "sorry about that lizard" she was smirking at me "are you actually going to call me lizard" I said slightly pushing her shoulder "hmm are you going to keep referring to me as the miss taylor swift" her smirk widened "touché the miss taylor swift" we both burst out laughing clinging onto eachother for support.

We both walked out of the shop and she headed back towards her car. I was about to head off in the direction of my car when I heard her shout something at me "wait I-" before she could finish talking Greg came out of the shop carrying a mettalic pink skateboard very similar to the one taylor had just bought me. He gave it to his boss and she just beamed at me "can you teach me to skateboard?" She said with an innocent pleading look.

I chuckled to myself "why of course I can the miss taylor swift" she just rolled her eyes and got in the car shutting the door in my face. I gasped playfully about to pretend to walk away when I heard the door reopen "wait no don't leave lizard" she said in a panicked tone, I smiled to myself and got into her car with her.

"If I'm teaching you how to skate then can I at least choose the music?" I said trying to hold back a mischievous smirk "of course you can" she said not catching on to my plan. I grabbed my phone and pressed on one of my playlists, a couple of seconds later I hear from the speakers 'you're on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset' taylor turned away from the window to face me "you bitch" she said almost in a whisper and all I could do was laugh.

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