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The morning light was shining through a gap in the curtain directly onto my face. I woke up and moved my arm to where a sleeping taylor should be but the space next to me was empty.

I sat up and looked around the room but there was no sign of her. I got out of bed and trudged into the living room, archer was laying there with a pillow over his face. I picked up the pillow and hit him hard with it "Ouch jeez Elizabeth what was that for"

"Did taylor leave early this morning" he rubbed his eyes "yeah she really rushed out earlier and woke me up. I thought you knew she was leaving" I put my hand on my head, I knew this would happen she's left me again. "No I didn't know"

I huffed and flopped down next to archers legs. What gives her the right to play with me like this, one minute she's making out with me and confessing her feelings then the next she's with a man and acting like nothings happened. It's not fair and I'm done with it all I can't be around her anymore.

The man sat up and wrapped me into a hug "it'll be ok I'm sure of it, you two will make up and be back to making out In no time" I wriggled out of his embrace "No I'm done with her, I don't want to be around someone who treats me like this. our whatever it was freindship-relationship is over for good"

I got up and grabbed my phone from my bed side table, I looked around my house for my jacket. Once I'd located it I rummaged through my pockets taking out the napkin from the night before and started dialing the number.

It only rang a couple of times before I heard the other end pick up.

Lizzy:"hey Bella"

Bella from bar:"hello my darling I thought you'd never call"

Lizzy:"can you meet"

Bella from bar:"now?"


Bella from bar:"my place or yours?"


Bella from bar:"I'll text you the adress"

I hung up the phone and grabbed my coat without saying a word to archer and left my flat as quickly as my legs could take me. I was walking down the street when my phone vibrated I looked at it just  expecting to see a message from Bella but lit up on my screen was a text from taylor.


I stopped in my tracks just looking at my screen for about a minute. What do I say back to her? Do I even want to say anything to her?the nerve on this girl I swear. Just then another notification popped up. It was Bella sending me her adress snapping me out of my trance. I looked it over and then put my phone back in my pocket continuing on my way.

I arrived at her house ten minutes later but I didn't try and go in a I was just stood frozen outside her front door. I don't know if I should do this, I'm kind of in a bad place right now is getting with another girl the right thing to do. I don't know how I'm feeling about the taylor situation and it would just be like putting a bandaid over a bullet hole, a temporary fix.

I was about to get my phone out to cancel when the door infront of me swung open. "I thought I heard someone out here, are you coming in?" It looked as though the girl was only wearing a long baggy t-shirt and nothing else and all my thoughts disappeared at the sight.

I kissed the girl hard, we both started walking backwards I slammed the door behind me shut and we fell onto the couch not able to hold off until we got to her bedroom we couldnt keep our hands off of eachother. We ripped off our clothes it was like we were wild animals in heat and well... you know what happens next.

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