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It was around half three. The group had exited the club and were now outside waiting for the drivers to bring round the cars.

I had my arms around hailee and taylor, holding them both up as they were both completely wasted at this point. Selena was laid out on the floor with cara in her arms. Karlie and abigail were in deep conversation and zendaya was yet again on the phone with Tom, those two are so cute they make me feel sick.

"Hey lizard I'm really sorry for kissing you earlier" the blonde took me by surprise.

"Taylor its fine don't worry about it" I looked over at hailee she was practically passed out

The blonde leant forward so our noses were just about touching "don't tell anyone but I think I enjoyed kissing you" she was smiling at me.

I was about to respond to the blonde when Greg came over to help get everyone in the car. We all piled into taylors car and Greg dropped us home one by one until it was just me and taylor left

"Liz do you want to stay round mine tonight I think I need you to look after me" the blondes eyes were bloodshot and she didn't look like she would be able to make it into her house let alone look after herself.

I tapped on the divider "Greg change of plans can you please just take me and taylor back to her house"

"Yes of course miss brown"

When we got to taylors house Greg helped me get taylor to her door, I told him to go home and get some rest before dragging her through to her couch.

"Lizzy can u get me a burger" I went to her kitchen and grabbed her a bowl to put next to her incase the alcohol gets the better of her.

"Taylor the only food you have in this house is pop tarts"

"Ooooh those will do"

I went to her cupboard grabbed the pop tarts and a glass of water and handed then both to the girl.

We sat on her couch watching the Simpsons until she fell asleep with a half eaten pop tart in her mouth.

She's actually so adorable how does she look cute even with food hanging out her mouth.

I grabbed the snack out of her mouth and chucked it back in the box. Her mouth was still left open I put my hand on her cheek lightly. She kissed me, I know she was only kissing me to get me away from that twat but it felt like more. I don't know its just me overreacting, not thinking with my head.

I moved the blanket off the girl and gentally scooped her up into my arms. She was surprisingly very light even if she was taller then me. I carried her up to her room and laid her on her bed she woke up slightly.

"Elizabeth whats going on?" She rubbed her hands over her eyes.

"You are going to bed because you are very drunk"

"Oh ok" she sat up in bed "I can't wear this dress to bed"

"Ok I'll get you some clothes to change into just stay there"

"I'm ok I'll get the clothes" she stood up and fell to the ground instantly, I rushed over and picked her up."wow you're really strong you have big muscles" the girl started touching my biceps.

"Taylor what the hell are you doing" I could help but laugh I put her back on the bed. She just looked up at me smiling, I grabbed a baggy shirt and some shorts for her to wear. "I'm going to put these here. Can you get dressed yourself?"

She grabbed the clothes off the end of the bed "yeahhh I'm fine"

I took my bag of clothes I was going to originally wear today and got changed in the bathroom. I stood infront of the mirror looking at myself wondering how on earth I went from living in a council estate in England to going out clubbing in Newyork with taylor swift and all her famous friends.

"LIZARDD" oh god what has she done now I went back into her room taylor was sat on the edge of her bed with her arms stuck inside of her dress her head trying to poke through her arm hole.

I slowly walked over to her trying not to laugh. "Hey taylor you think you need some help now"

"Ugh finally you're here. Help please."

I grabbed hold of the dress and slipped it over her head I quickly looked up at the ceiling handing her the clothes and turning away to give her privacy.

"Lizzy come here" I hesitantly turned back around taylor was in her pajamas under the covers looking at me like a lost toddler.

I walked over to her she put her hand out so I took it.

"You're a good friend for looking after me like this"

"You're one of my friends it's kind of my duty" I laughed at the girl.

She pulled my hand which made me fall ontop of her. "TAYLOR" I rolled onto the empty side of the bed.

"Can you sleep here with me tonight I need the company" she moved so that her arm was around my waste and her face was pushed deep into the pillow.

Taylor swift just asked me to sleep in her bed, I know she didn't mean it in a gay way but my mind always goes straight to the gay explanation.

"Ok I'll stay" I laid my head down on my pillow.

"Taylor you still awake" she wasn't awake she had fallen asleep instantly and I fell asleep not long after.

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now