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It had been a week since my strange encounter with taylor and there had been no contact since. I had almost messaged her a couple of times but I don't want to bother her, I mean if she wanted to talk she would call me right?

I got up early this morning and left for a run. I'd been going for about half an hour music blasting in my ear, it was taylors latest album 1989, ever since that day I haven't been able to get her out of my mind. I was just about to finish running around centennial Park when I felt my phone vibrate.


I opened our chat to find a picture of me running. I looked closer and it looks like it was taken only moments ago. I looked around trying to find taylor In the crowed.

THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT: you're almost there :)


It was a picture of me staring right in her direction what the hell why can't I see her. I walked closer looking intensely at everyone around, until I saw her. She had a gigantic grin, she was wearing a baggy black hoodie and sunglasses

"See I told you they work" she giggled pulling the glasses down slightly and winking at me. I Pulled out my head phones "you are ridiculous" she had a fake shocked expression on her face "that's really mean" she was full on laughing now "wait a minute can I hear music right now" I looked at her confused until I realised how loud my music was and how crappy my headphones are.

She grabbed hold of my phone before I had the chance to stop Spotify. "Oh my god you are a crazy super fan. There is no way I just caught you listening to my whole album on shuffle"

"It's not what it looks like" I said defensively "ohh really" she raised her eyebrows "ok maybe it is what it looks like" I chuckled nervously scratching the side of my head

"Aw no reason to be nervous lizard. Its sweet that you're my biggest fan" I just scoffed playfully and started walking away. Taylor followed me "where are you going" she was laughing trying to keep up with my brisk walk.

"I'm finishing my run" as I said that I picked up the pase slightly into a run. "Can we not just get ice-cream" taylor countered already out of breath. "Hmm fine. As long as you're paying" I said stopping and looking at the blonde. She was bent over trying to catch her breath "ok good I wouldn't have it any other way"

We both started walking towards the ice cream place "you didn't call me" taylor spoke up "yeah well you didn't call me either" she just rolled her eyes "you said you would call and you didn't" she was slightly pouting "alright I'm sorry is that what you want to hear"

"Yeah" she said her grin returning. "By the way where is Greg right now. You can't be here by yourself" I said looking around " oh my god you need to get your eyes checked out. He's right over there" the blonde pointed behind us where Greg was following close behind, I waved and he hesitantly waved back.

When we got to the ice-cream shop it wasn't very crowded. We decided to sit in the far corner of the establishment with Greg a couple of tables next to us. "I can't believe that you got vanilla" taylor said with a disgusted look."I can't believe you ordered every single sauce known to man kind" I chuckled "don't make fun of me because I like flavour" taylor mocked.

We sat opposite eachother not speaking for a while I was sat reading the decorative posters that were scattered around the wall but the whole time I could feel taylors eyes burning into the side of my head. I was ignoring her for a bit but then I started to feel a little self-conscious.

I turned round to her "what? do I have ice-cream on my face or something" I wiped my face over with a napkin bit it was clean. She just giggled at me, I gave her a funny look and then moved on. "How's your life right now? Do you have any auditions coming up?" The older girl questioned. I looked down at my ice-cream unable to look her in the eyes "um no nothing at the moment but you never know, anything could come up" I shyly smiled at her.

We didn't stay on the topic of careers for long "any dates planned? Any nice young men in the picture?" Taylor mumbled while doodling on a scrap piece of paper. I burst out laughing, that was the first time someone's asked me that in a long time as I'm out to everyone I know. Taylor gave me a questioning look "why is that funny"

"It's not actually funny sorry. It's just I'm not used to that being asked anymore" she looked even more confused."I don't really like to you know date men" that didn't seem to help the puzzled blonde "you don't like going on dates?"

"No I like going on dates just as much as the next person it's more the men part I have a problem with" taylors eyes widened comically "ohhhh so you're gay" I nodded laughing slightly "well now I feel stupid" she sighed and put her head in her hands

"You're not stupid you just didn't know" I said still unable to stop my laughter. "So any women prospects" she corrected "um not really I haven't really had the time. I know it sounds stupid because it isn't going so well but I've been trying to focus on my acting" I said rubbing my hands together. taylor just smiled at me "yeah same I don't have the energy to deal with anyone right now" she looked up from her paper and into my eyes "I know what you mean. When I dated men when I was younger they were so much hassle women are so much easier taylor looked away and just hummed in response. She obviously didn't want to talk about it so I just left it alone.

After ice-cream I walked taylor back to her car and continued my run going back home to take a really long nap.

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