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I walked through the doors and walked towards the table, Bella put her phone down on the table and smiled up at me "hey there is that girl alright"

I looked out the window at taylor who was still sitting on the same bench we were at two minutes ago "yeah she's fine" I looked down at my hands.

"You know she looks really familiar bit I can't quite figure out who she looks like" I laughed quietly "what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing Bella don't worry" she looked at me confused "I-I think that maybe it's time to leave, I'm really sorr-"

"WAIT! I've just realised who she looks like, you know that pop singer the blonde one that sang that song about dancing or something. I think something happened with her and Kanye West at some point a couple of years ago"

I was smirking at the girl while she opened her phone to try and find out the name of this mystery singer. She continued searching for a couple of minutes before i watched her eyes widen.

"My god that was taylor swift wasn't it?" I nodded "I'm such an idiot" she put her head in her hands "you're not an idiot I think it's hilarious that you don't know her"

"I'm just not very into music especially not her kind of music" I scrunched up my nose "how did you manage to make that sound like an insult"

"I wouldn't necessarily say it was an insult I just think her music is kind of crap and her reputation isn't the greatest so I don't think she's the best person but that's just what i think"

I was completely shocked, I don't mind people having their own opinion but there is no need to bring down someone you don't know, it's just bitchy.

I stood up abruptly "well this was... I'm gonna go now" Bella stood up too "sorry Lizzy I didn't mean to upset you sit down" I scoffed "no thank you someone important is waiting for me"

I took my things and walked out back into the street and saw taylor heading towards me "hey lizard what's wrong" I turned to her and shook my head "nothing don't worry about it"

"Did she not take it well" taylor quickly rubbed my arm before putting it back in her pocket "no she took it fine"

"Why do you look so angry then?" I huffed "just leave it tay" she sighed and put her hood up over her head again "ok sorry"

We stayed quiet all the way to the car and to taylors, we got there and taylor got changed into her pajamas. She was laying down on her couch and sat down next to her.

I wrapped my arms around her and she rested her head on my chest "we should probably talk now" she moves her head so that she was now looking in my eyes.

"Yeah let's start with the main subject. What are we?" I put my hand on her cheek and she smiled "I don't know what are we?" I scoffed "taylor you can't just repeat what I say that's not very good communication"

"Yeah I know. I think we are... in a relationship."

"What like girlfriend and girlfriend?"

"Yeah exactly like girlfriend and girlfriend" I leant down and kissed her gently "good because that's exactly what I wanted us to be"

"Whats next on our subject list?" I put my hands on her head and ran my fingers through hair I loved how it curled "what about how we act in the public and infront of our family and friends?"

"Well I don't mind what we do I already know you don't want to be out to the public. I don't mind if you want to keep this hushed forever as long as you're comfortable"

"I do want to keep it a secret to the world for the foreseeable future but I don't mind coming out to certain people, like we'll I mean I'm pretty sure your brother knows so you can tell him about us"

"Yeah you know for someone who wants to be private you're not very good at keeping secrets" I smiled at her and she hit my arm "hey there's no need for violence and I'm not wrong you literally kissed me infront of a huge crowed of people the other week"

"Yeah... that was a complicated situation tree was pissed at me for a week but it's not my fault I don't think when I've had alcohol and it was dark no one knew it was me"

"Your friends did" she rolled her eyes "yeah well they kind of know I'm gay anyway I never really came out to them it was just a known fact that I liked women. I also might of had a little thing with one of them not that long ago"

I gasped "who?" She shook her head "doesn't matter now hun I've got you" she kissed my cheek "nuh uh you can't sweet talk yourself out of telling me which one of your friends you dated"

"We didn't date we just fooled around a bit a little while ago don't be dramatic"

"What do you mean 'fooled around' and also WHO!" Taylor laughed at me I'm glad she was finding it entertaining "please tell me tay"

She rolled her eyes at me again "karlie. it was karlie" my jaw dropped "wow I had my money on hailee" she burst out laughing "I'm not 100% sure she isn't into women to be honest liz"

I think that we should probably steer this conversation in a new direction because talking about taylor 'fooling around' with karlie, whatever that means, is making feel a little jealous.

"What about your mum and dad?" Her smile dropped slightly "I don't know. They're very religious people I'm not completely sure how they would react I'm... a little scared"

"Aww taylor I'm sure there's no need to be scared but you don't have to do anything you don't want to. You can take your time and even then after you've thought about it if you still don't want to tell them then you don't have to"

She squeezed her arms around my waist "god how are you so understanding" I smiled and kissed the top of her head "it's because I'm amazing hun"

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now