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I seem to have found myself In a very peculiar circumstance. Im naked In taylor swifts bathroom trying to build up the confidence to try on her clothes. Why on earth is she making me wear a leather skirt. The last person I saw wearing leather was Ross from friends and we all know how that ended.

I stood up from my position on the edge of her massive bath tub and slipped on the skirt. I looked I'm the mirror it was very tight. I then proceeded to squeeze into the corset top. These clothes made me very uncomfortable I've always had trouble with the way my body looks and these don't leave much to the imagination.

I stood there for another couple of minutes before I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey lizard you ok in there or did you fall down the toilet" I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I was greeted by a beautiful blonde she'd curled her hair and put on some light eye makeup.

Taylors eyes were wide and almost like in the movies her jaw dropped "wow Elizabeth, you look really... wow" I couldn't help but smile my face turning red yet again.

"I'd love for you to stay here and stare at me but I don't want to leave all your fancy friends waiting" I grabbed her shoulders and guided her towards her bedroom door.

"Nah they'll be fine waiting we've got time" she was smirking at me "shut up" god it's like she always knows how to make me feel awkward.

She looked down at her small golden watch "oh shit we actually don't have time" she grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs.

We got back into her car. I was looking at my phone scrolling on tiktok when a video of the blonde appeared on my screen. It was a fan edit, god she was so beautiful.

"What are you watching" taylor finally spoke up. I quickly turned off my phone "nothing" she leant forward and tried to grab my phone but I turned it off and chucked it next to me, She gave me a funny look but didn't dwell on it.

We arrived at the club a couple minutes later and I suddenly got very nervous I'm about to meet a load of famous people who are going to be judging me. They all seem so nice to the public but what if they're actually complete cunts.

Greg opened my door, I stepped out taylor grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers. She looked me in the eyes "don't be nervous they will love you" she put her hand on my face and ran her thumb over my cheek bone.

"TAYLOR!!" We both turned around to locate the voice she found the faces of her friends in the crowd "SELENA!!" She let go of my hand and ran over to her friend wrapping her in a tight hug.

I followed closely behind "selena this is lizard" taylor grabbed my shoulder and shook me lightly. Selena pulled me into a hug, she let go so she could look at me "wow she's prettier then you described tay" my face started going red.

I looked to the side of selena, behind her was hailee steinfeld, zendaya, cara delevingne, karlie kloss and taylors childhood best friend abigail what the fuck. I knew famous people were coming but that's actually insane.

I said my hellos before running off to the bar to get myself a drink. I was waiting for the bartenders attention when a man came up behind me really close "hey sweetheart let me buy you a drink"

"No I'm ok thanks"

his hands managed to work their way around my waste he was whispering in my ear "I insist" my heart was racing I thought something bad was going to happen when just like an angel swooping in to save me I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey babe who's your new
friend there" the guy moved away from me and turned around to see taylor.

Let's just say the guy wasn't the tallest of people and compared to the giant that was taylor swift especially in heels she towered over him.

She barged into him just subtle enough to assert dominance but not start a fight and grabbed hold of my waist spinning me around and crashing our lips together.

The once very loud and crowded bar suddenly seemed so silent the only thing my mind could focus on was taylor. I felt burning hot but still somehow got chills, her hands found my neck which helped push deeper into the embrace. Her scent and taste were overwhelming my senses, very strong cherry from her chapstick, flowery perfume, vanilla of her skin and just the overall flavour of the blonde.

It felt like we'd been there for hours I could feel her about to slip in her tongue when I heard someone clearing their throat. We quickly pulled apart.

"hey you two uh whatcha think you're doing" it was selena accompanied by the rest of taylors friends "oh um well you see there was this guy and he was harassing lizzy so I had to think quick on my feet and it was the only thing I could think that would help and-" taylor looked around "it seemed it did"

I was frozen, I have no idea what's going on. I just kissed taylor swift  on the lips, what the actual hell and now I'm standing infront of a bunch of famous people who are probably judging me really hard right now.

Selena looked me up and down "mhm sure well done taylor you're a hero anyway let's get some drinks, I feel way too sober for my liking"

Selena got a round of tequila shots which didn't last long. Zendaya was the next to buy drinks and then taylor, this continued until the whole group were sufficiently wasted.

Me and taylors friends got closer as the night went on. taylor, hailee, cara, karlie and abigail were all out on the dance floor rubbing up against eachother while me zendaya and selena were sat at our booth.

Zendaya left a little while later to go call her boyfriend which left me and selena alone.

"So Elizabeth what do u do for a living" the brown haired girl was very drunk at this point "I'm and actor"

She was sipping on her cocktail, staring at me over the top of her almost empty glass. "Hmm interesting would I have seen anything you've been in" I chuckled "no probably not but I've got a big project coming up"

She smiled and patted me on the shoulder "cool. I'd love to hear more but I'm going to throw up if I think too hard" we both laughed.

Taylor came stumbing back over to us and flopped down on my lap. She flung her head backwards over my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her waste to keep her stable.

She lifted her head to look at me "hellooo" she squashed my cheeks "hi"

She had a wide smile "are you having fun with my friends"

"Yeah I am actually I don't know what I was worried about"

"Good I don't know what you was worried about aswell"

I grabbed the girls hands to move them away from my face. She started playing with my fingers and lost all focus on our conversation. After a little while she got off my lap and layed down along the chair using me as a pillow.

I didn't know what to do with my hands so I started to stroke her hair. I removed my glance from the singer for a moment and moved it over to selena, she was giving me a strange expression until she noticed me looking back at her. She smiled and winked at me, I have no idea what that means so I just ignored it and went back to admiring taylor.

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now