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I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling, I'd been there for a good few hours I looked over to my phone and the screen read 1.30 am. Ugh I can't sleep this is so stupid I haven't lost sleep over a girl since Tina Williams from year 5 and she was the girl that made me realise I was gay.

Taylor obviously isn't worth it, she's got a boyfriend and he's a lot older and a famous actor she'd never pick me over him even if she wasn't straight. I don't know what happened that day but I don't think she meant the kiss, she probably just felt bad and didn't want to make it awkward between us.

I grabbed my pillow and pulled it over my face Why do girls have to be so difficult, It's so tiring being a lesbian.

I rolled over in my side and grabbed hold of lady she was curled around my legs, I pulled her into my arms and squeezed her tightly. I finally felt my eyes getting heavier when I heard my bedroom door creek open.

I sat up and grabbed my shoe throwing it in the direction of the door. "Ouch what the fuck lizzy" wait I know that voice, I leant over and turned on my lamp.

Standing infront of my door with his hand on the side of his face was my brother archer. He walked over and sat on the edge of my bed "did you just throw a shoe at me?" He laid down next to me "yes I did, thats why you don't sneak into someone's house you weirdo"

"Yeah well I don't really care what you say this is basically my house too whatevers yours is also mine" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Come on then let's go I'll make you breakfast" he grabbed hold of my arms trying to drag me out of the bed.

"Breakfast? It's just turned two in the morning" he stopped for a second and looked at his watch "fine very very early breakfast or late dinner" I gave in to his badgering and got out of bed it's not like I would've gotten much sleep anyway I would just lay there thinking about taylor.

I was sat on the couch watching archer make a mess of my kitchen. He was always very talented when it came to cooking I mean he is a professional chef so he would have to be. he's 22 and already got his life together, A stable relationship with the nicest, prettiest most amazing girl, who I definitely have a small crush on, and a high paying stable job. It makes me furious even if I do still love him.

"So archer where's the lovely zoe at" he didn't look at me or react at all "archer?" He took in a deep breath and sighed turning on his heel with two omelettes in hand walking over and placing them on the table.

"Me and zoe are currently not together" he looked deeply into my eyes and all I could see was sadness "oh my god archie I'm so sorry. What happened?" He cupped his face with his hands and fell into my side "we'd been having issues for a little while and the trip away put everything in perspective. We both agreed that it was better that we separated"

Well now I have no faith left in love but this isn't about me. "Do you want to talk about it more or do something to distract you?" He sat up and wiped his eyes "let go do something before I make us both depressed" I smiled at the man and rubbed his hair messing it up.

"Come on then let's eat quick this and go for a walk" he nodded and began scoffing his food "slow down man" he chocked slightly which made us both laugh "sorry I just missed new York so much... and you I guess sometimes" he rolled his eyes at me. I fake gasped and pushed him backwards lightly by his face.

Once we'd both eaten we grabbed our coats and left my apartment. We were walking down the streets in silence for a little while but then archer decided to get nosey "sooo liz just because one of our love lives is in shambles doesn't mean we can't talk about the others relationships, which I hope there are lots of?" he turned to me with his eyebrows raised.

You know I don't even know how to answer this question right now. "Well I mean not much going on in that department" I didn't make eye contact with him "how are you an actor if your such a bad liar?" He chuckled.

"I'm not lying" I did look at him this time and he was just staring at me amusedly "tell me about her" how does he know me so well its scary, I'm pretty sure he knows me better than I know me.

"There's not much to tell to be honest" I was trying my hardest to stop myself smiling at the thought of the girl "HA! I knew there was a her" I was now beaming at him. "There's not really a her though I don't know whats going on with her"

His smirk disappeared as he saw my face drop "talk to me about it" I sighed "ok" we walked over to a bench and sat down "well we met and became friends like instantly and I kind of had feelings but I thought she was straight even though there were a few times where there was what I thought was tension but I assumed it was just in my head so Ignored it"

I looked up from the floor to see my brother listening intensely which was quite a funny site "continue" I took in another deep breath "then the other day we were hanging out and she kissed me and it was amazing but then the next day I found out she had a boyfriend and I don't know what happened or how long she'd been dating him because we haven't really spoke it"

I let out a big breath because I'd been holding my breathe that whole time without realising it. Archer didn't say anything he just wrapped me in a warm bear hug and we stayed there for a moment before deciding to head to a nearby bar.

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