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I woke up the next morning feeling like crap, I had a runny nose and a slight temperature it also didn't help that it was half 5 in the morning but I had an audition for a film at half 6. I was debating if I should get out of bed or not, on one hand It could be the chance I need to kick-start my career but on the other hand I'm sick, it's halfway across the city and I don't have a car so I'll have to skateboard and the chances are I'm not going to get it anyway.

I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and looked at all my notifications I had a message from my brother he was out of town with his girlfriend on some romantic get away I opened it, it was a picture of the two of them kissing infront of a big beautiful waterfall. That's just what I need right now a reminder of how lonely I am, I left a heart emoji and left the app I put my phone back down and flopped my head back down on the pillow.

Just as my eyes were about to shut again my phone buzzed, it was Sophie

Soph: don't forget your audition today it took a lot to get you this so try your best ok. You'll be amazing good luck xxx

Lizz: thanks Sophie xx

I was about to put my phone down when I had a stupid idea but no matter how stupid it was worth a shot.

Lizard: good morning miss swift

THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT: hiiiii lizard

Lizard: what are you doing right now

THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT: I'm sitting in bed messaging you

Lizard: do you fancy going to an audition for a film with me

THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT: hmmm yeah I think I do

Lizard: awesome!! Any chance you could pick me up from my apartment

THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT: I guess I could but only cause its you :)

Lizard: even awesomer


I closed my phone and hopped in the shower. Once I'd got out I wrapped myself in a towel, I heard someone knock on the door so I walked over and opened it. It was taylor she was wearing a pretty white dress and she was carrying a box and some cups of coffee. "Hey taylor come in" I gestured for her to come in but she didn't move. I looked at her and she was staring at my towel, I waved my hand infront of her face she look up at my face "I'm sorry what did you say" I chuckled at her "I said come in" she smiled at me "oh thanks"

She walked over to my kitchen counter and put down the contents of her hands. "I bought coffee and doughnuts" I walked over to her and she handed me a cup "you are a life saver I don't think I've been up this early since I was in school" I sipped my drink eagerly and with my other hand attempted to grab a doughnut. My towel almost slipped completely down, taylor was staring at me with a shocked expression she turned away and covered her eyes "Liz I think you should probably get dressed" her voice cracked slightly, I pulled up my towel and looked over at taylor her face was bright red and she looked slightly flustered.

"OK I'm going" I went into my bedroom and threw on a old band tshirt and some jeans. I walked back out to my living room to see taylor sat on my couch with her legs crossed lady was trying to attack her doughnut ,taylor was laughing and smiling while stroking my dog it was adorable. I grabbed my coffee off the counter and sat down next to the blonde.

"You two look like you're having fun"

"oh my god I absolutely love your dog" I smiled at her "yeah I love her too" lady jumped down from the couch to eat her own food and taylor handed me a doughnut. "Eat up you need your energy for your audition" I rolled my eyes at her "ok mum" she smirked at me "wow I usually make them take me on a date before they call me that" I turned to her with a shocked expression "TAYLOR!"

She burst out laughing and fell onto her side I slapped her arm lightly. "I think we should leave now" I rolled my eyes at her again she was still laughing "yeah let's go"

We both went out to taylors car I looked around for a man lurking around but there was no sight of the friendly giant. "No Greg today"

"I kinda snuck out this morning without him" I looked at her with a shocked expression "the miss taylor swift? A rule breaker? I would of never guessed" she giggled at me. We drove to my audition and I think taylor could see that I was really scared. She leant over from the drivers seat and pulled me into a hug. It was just what I needed, she smelt of flowers and vanilla her skin was so soft against my own I felt myself calm down instantly.

"Thank you taylor" she smiled at me and took my hand "you're welcome Lizard" she was grinning at me I couldn't help but smile back. "Should we go In" I let go of taylors hand "wait wait look" she picked up something from the back seat, it was her duffle bag she opened it up and pulled out a brown wig

"No fucking way" I covered my mouth with my hands. Taylor placed it on her head, she looked ridiculous but I'm not going to tell her that. "How do I look?" If I was being honest she looked like she'd grabbed a squirrel and plopped it on her head "it looks fine" she smiled at me "I don't believe you"

"Don't worry I know it looks awful I'm going to cover most of it with the hoodie" she giggled she took out the black hoodie and pulled it over her head she then took out the sunglasses and placed them on her face "let's roll"

She left the car and so do I we walked into the building and up to the front desk I told the women why I was there and she pointed in the direction of a hall. It was bland and colourless it lead to a big grey door with a big gold number 1. We went through the door and sat on some chairs, opposite was more of the same metal chairs and to my right was another grey door identical to the first.

I was starting to get nervous again, this was a big deal I haven't ever actually gone for anything this big the biggest thing I've auditioned for was a side character on a small TV show a little while ago but this was a big budget film and I'm going for the main character. My heart was beating out my chest I was sweating and my leg was shaking

I was too busy thinking I was going to throw up to realise that taylor was burning a hole in the side of my head. She placed her hand in mine and lowered them both onto my leg to stop it bouncing up and down. I turned to look at her and smiled at her sweetly "thank you tay"

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