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Me and taylor got into my flat she instantly collapsed onto my couch. I walked into my kitchen and I could see her eyes following my every move. I grabbed a glass filling it up with water to give to the girl, I'm not dealing with a too drunk to function taylor right now I need to sober her up a little.

I slowly headed back towards her her eyes still not leaving me. "Drink this" she took the glass but didn't attempt to drink it "taylor drink it" she started pouting "don't tell me what to do" I rolled my eyes, why does she have to be so difficult.

"Please can you drink some water" she didn't say anything but instead started sipping on the drink. I sat down next to her and slid as far away from her as I could without falling off the couch, I'm not risking anything right now.

I could see that she was tired so I stood up and walked to my bedroom "I'm going to get you a change of clothes stay there" I rummaged through my wardrobe and grabbed an old tshirt that I've had for many years and some spare pajama shorts.

I turned around to be face to face with the singer, she startled me and I dropped the clothes on the floor. "Taylor what are you doing? You scared me." I went to bend down and pick them up but she stopped me by taking my hand.

I just looked at her confused when she leant in and kissed me passionately. Her familiar aroma mixed with the smell of alcohol, her lips still sweet from the cocktails. I reluctantly pulled away "what was that!"

"I like you Elizabeth" she wasn't smiling but it didn't look like sadness or anger either it was more like admiration. "Taylor what do you mean" she pulled me closer by my hand gently "I mean I really like you" I was too shocked to reply.

What is happening! She's way to drunk right now she doesn't know what she's saying. I don't know how to react right now. Elizabeth I really really like you" my head was blank the only thought in mind was wanting to close the distance and kiss her, kiss her like I've been dreaming about kissing her since that day in the changing room.

But I can't, I shouldn't that would be wrong. I can't let her do this to me again but then again I'm also drunk and drunk people make bad decisions.

I closed my eyes and kissed her just as passionately as she'd kissed me if not more. It was sweet and emotional but it didn't take long for it to get heated, she moved away for a second and grabbed the bottom of my shirt looking into my eyes deeply for permission I nodded and she quickly pulled it over my head chucking it god knows where. She looked down scanning my body her eyes all over me was making me anxious.

I went to cross my arms over my body when she took my hands in hers again looking back into my eyes "you're beautiful. All of you." I felt my cheeks heat up, god this woman has wayy too much power over me. Me kissed my hand before letting go and resting her hands lightly on my waist guiding me over to the bed. I lowered myself down so that I laying down, taylor leant over me and kissed me softly.

Her hair was falling into her face so I pushed it behind her ear, trailing my hand down the side of her face to her jaw line. I pushed her more into the kiss and she slipped her tongue into my mouth, we stayed there like that for a few more moments when I heard the door swing open.

Taylor jumped off of me and I pulled the blanket over me to cover myself. "ARCHER GET OUT!" the man was just stood at the door frozen in shock. He snapped out of it and pulled the door closed quickly, When is that boy going to learn to knock.

I looked over at taylor who was staning there awkwardly looking that the door. She turned to me and we both burst out laughing, she fell down next to me on the bed with her hands on her face but I could still see her going red.

When we stopped laughing we were both just laying there staring at the ceiling. "Do you reckon you could get my shirt" she looked at me with a grin in her face "yeah one second" she got up and scanned the room for my shirt finding it hung carelessly off my lamp and chucked it at me.

I slipped on my shirt and she grabbed the clothes that I had earlier dropped on the floor. "You're going to have to sleep in here with me tonight because that idiot Im there's taken over the couch" she smiled and looked at the door obviously reliving that previous moment "ok that's fine with me".

"I'm going to give you some privacy to get changed let me know when you're done" she nodded and I left the room. "Archer where are you" he looked up at me scared from the couch "you know sometimes I really hate you" she gave me an apologetic smile "sorry I didn't hear any sex sounds so I thought you were done with sexy time. Although I didn't think that she would the one giving it to you"

"shut up man we didn't sleep together"

"That's not what it looked like from where I was standing" I scoffed "we didn't! We were just kissing get your mind out of the gutter"

"Alright I believe you let's not talk about you having sex anymore please. But please tell me why and how she's in your bed room right now, I thought she had a boyfriend" I looked at my hands "I don't know I thought she did too but she might of just confessed her feelings for me"

He gasped loudly but before he could say anything the door opened and taylor entered the room. He turned to her with his eyes wide, he looked like he was about to explode.

"Ok I'm going to bed now night archie" he turned to me "night" his voice was suspiciously really high pitched and I swear I saw a drop of sweat drip down his forehead. He's so bad with secrets and keeping his cool.

Me and taylor got into bed but didn't say anything other then good night before turning the lights off. What the hell is happening I feel like my life is a TV show right now, keeping up with the severely idiotic.

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