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~I'd like to stress that I don't know the timeline of taylor and her relationships this is all fiction so if it sounds a little wrong just go along with it~

After we both got changed we left the shop and got back into her car Greg drove me home. The whole time we were driving neither of us said a word. I kissed taylor swift and she kissed me back, it's not even like when it happened before there was no reason to kiss me other then her wanting to.

I got out and waved goodbye before going into my flat. I said hello to lady and went to bed instantly not even bothering to hang up my new clothes.


Greg was driving away from Elizabeths apartment, what did I do. I can't just go around kissing whoever I want not with my job. I've done something like this before and It nearly ruined me this can't get out in the public I'm not ready. What if Elizabeth isn't who I think she is what if karlie was right the other day I've only known her for a little while, what if she tells everyone. I need to fix this now.

I pulled out my phone and looked through my contacts for help.

"Hey tree"

"Taylor do you know what the time is"

I looked at my watch it was already 12 o'clock.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry but I think I did something bad"

It was quiet on the other side of the phone.

"Im on my way"

Tree hung up and I put my phone away just as greg was pulling up to my house I got inside and just sat on my steps waiting for tree. I feel like shit.


I was laying alone in my bed, I tried to sleep but my mind is just so full. I don't even know how to go about it, taylors straight the proof is the hundreds of songs she's wrote about her ex boyfriends. I can't do this right now.

What if she does like me though. What if she's not 100% straight, bi people exist but she didn't say anything about it after, then again neither did I. I'll just talk to her about it in the morning.

Time skip

I woke up my head hurting I'm guessing from stress. Lady was laying stretched out across my stomach, I rolled her off of me she somehow managed to stay asleep. I turned to my clock it was early but luckily taylor wakes up earlier like a psyco.

I opened up my phone, I had a few notifications. I was skimming through them when one caught my eye, it was the news app with an article

-Taylor swift seen on a morning walk with potential new boyfriend Tom Hiddleston-

-Taylor swift seen on a morning walk with potential new boyfriend Tom Hiddleston-

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What the fuck. She made out with me and then the next day she's seen out in public holding hands with FUCKING LOKI. You know what screw that. The kiss obviously didn't mean anything to her so I don't have to talk to her about it which leaves me with one less awkward serious conversation to have.

Oh god it's the day of the first scrip reading. I got up and threw on a pair of running shorts and a blue shirt and left to go for a run.

Time skip

I just finished the script reading and I was sat at the nearest bus stop. Today has not been my day first taylor out with the god of mischief then I had to sit through that torture. I didn't even get to meet any of the other actors it was just a reading with the director.

I pulled out a packet of cigarettes and put one in my mouth ready to light.

"Didn't know you smoked"

I turned round to find a tall blonde that I really didn't want to see right now.

"Only when I'm stressed"

She came and sat next to me on the bench. I lit my cigarette and inhaled deeply, I turned to taylor and offered it to her. She took it hesitantly and inhaled quickly she was coughing and spluttering.

"I don't smoke don't know if you could tell" we both burst out laughing.

"Cmon get in my car you can come round mine for a bit"

"Will your new boyfriend Hiddleston mind" I looked over at her, her expression changed dramatically but I couldn't read it.

"No" she stopped looking at my face and her view fell to her hands.

"Well in that case I'm in"

We both got up Greg pulled the car around and we got In, I know I'm supposed to be pissed at her maybe confused or something but I can't help it she's taylor swift.

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now