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I got home at around half four Greg dropped me off and after 15 minutes of begging he went home and had the day off, I don't think I'm going to leave my house for a while.

I unlocked the door and went inside throwing my keys down on my table maybe a little bit too hard as they flew across the surface and onto the floor.

I went into the kitchen and searched my cupboards only finding a singular  packet of pop tarts, literally everything around me  reminds me of her and oh my god I need to go shopping soon I can't keep ordering in or eating out.

I laid down on my couch and turned on the TV  mindlessly flicking through the channels and eating the last of the poptarts but I wasn't actually paying any attention to what was going on around me I was lost in thought.

I give up on trying to ignore that I'm hungry I'm going to go get something. I grabbed my keys and my disguise duffle bag then got into the car and drove off.

I was turning a corner onto the street with my favourite diner, I'm stressed and just need to eat a bunch of comfort food until I can't see my feet. I put on my cap hoodie and sunglasses and headed towards the door.

Before I went inside I looked through the window and sitting there was lizzy and that bartender from the other week. What the hell are they doing together chatting and laughing, what is she laughing at so hard that girl is too hot to be that funny aswell.

I stood there for a couple more minutes when the bartender reached over the table and took hold of lizzys hand. That was enough for me I don't want to see anymore. I was about to walk away when I changed my mind, Why do I have to go away it's a public place and she obviously doesn't care if people see them and I need food.

I stepped through the door and was hit with a sudden wave of anxiety, maybe this isn't such a good idea.


Me and Bella were sat talking for hours now, we had finished all our food and was just enjoying eachothers company it was great. Although for some reason I can't get taylor out of my mind, I know its not true but I feel like I'm cheating on her or something. She had taken me to the very same diner we're sat at now which makes me feel even worse.

It's ridiculous that I feel like this, she's the one who keeps playing with my feelings I've done nothing wrong. "Lizzy?" I snapped out of my thoughts and the girl had taken hold of my hand to help get my attention.

"Yeah sorry I zoned out for a second there" I gave her a sweet smile which she returned "um is that the crazy lady from the bar standing over there staring at us?"

I quickly turned my head in the direction Bella was looking and she was right, just standing there sunglasses in hand was the miss taylor swift. What is she doing here, she always just seems to turn up everywhere.

I stood up abruptly dropping bellas hand the blonde wiped a tear off her cheek and turned to leave. "Taylor!" I followed after her out of the diner.

"Taylor stop" I grabbed her wrist "get off of me Elizabeth" she pulled out of my grasp and turned round, she had tears in her eyes and she looked like she wanted to punch me in the face.

"What do you want" she pulled down the hood of her hoodie down in an attempt to hide her tears but It didn't work.

"I want to know what the fuck is going on in your head" I was starting to get irritated because none of this is my fault and I might have accidentally raised my voice.

"Lizzy... please don't shout" she covered her face with her hands. I took a couple of steps closer to her and guided her by her arm across the road to a bench where we both sat down.

"I'm sorry I shouted I won't do it again I promise but you are going to have to start keeping me in the loop of whatever the hell is going on between me and you" I moved her hands from blocking her face.

She turned her face away from me with a slight hint of a smile on her face  "Lizzy don't. I look really gross when I cry" I moved her head by her chin to face me "you always look beautiful"

"No I don't" she couldn't stop a smile now "yeah well you might not but you look lovley to me" I wiped away a singular tear that was falling down her cheek with my thumb.

"Now that we've established that I'm hot maybe we should talk" I tired to take her hand in mine but she let go and crossed her arms over her chest she sighed "maybe we should start with that"

"Yeah let's start with that" I stuffed my hands in my pocket "I'm really sorry Lizzy but I can't act overly friendly with you in public, I'm not out in the media or to anyone other than tree and Tom" she was trying to not make eye contact with me.

"Taylor hun that's fine I completely understand what it's like to not be out to people and I know all too well what the consequences could be. You should've just told me about it." I went to grab her arm buy realised what I was doing and put it back into my pocket.

My gaze drifted away from taylor and back over to the diner across the street where I saw Bella just sat there on her phone. Oh god I totally forgot about our date and I don't know how I'm supposed to go back in there, do I continue the date or just tell her to go home.

"Taylor I think we should maybe finish this conversation somwhere else at another time" she noticed where I was looking "yeah you should probably sort that out"

"I won't be long and Bella drove me here so can you please from me home? I don't think that she'll be in the friendliest of moods when we're done."

"Yeah I'll wait here and then I'll walk you to my car" I smiled at her, I really want to kiss her this is like torture.

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now