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I woke up feeling really groggy I looked over at my arm where I found lizzy which instantly reminded me of the night before.

God I'm embarrassing, she had to help me get out of my dress then I practically begged her to sleep in my bed. She probably thinks I'm a weirdo.

My arm was completely dead how do I move my arm without waking her up. After forcing her to sleep next to me the least I could do is actually let her sleep. I looked over to my alarm clock it was 12:30 it's already midday I need to get out of this bed no matter how much I'd love to stay in this exact spot with lizzy.

I put my free hand under her head and lifted it slightly while trying to wiggle my arm out. Once I was free I lowered her head back gently on the pillow, her curly blonde hair flicked onto her face. She sat up quickly and moved it out her face which scared me.

"Sorry I hate the feeling of my hair on my face" she used a hair tie to put up her hair into a ponytail "I don't usually wear my hair up but I'm really hungover and I don't need my sensory issues to make me feel worse"

"I think you look great with your hair up" I ran my finger over her cheek "you can see your face properly"

"I um- need to gets some water" she got out of the bed and went down stairs.

For fuck sake taylor keep your hands to your self She definitely thinks I'm some pervy creep. Ever since I realised that I don't just want to date guys I have no idea how to talk to pretty women it's crazy.

I waited a few minutes before following after the girl. I slowly walked down the stairs, she was in the kitchen filling up a glass with water she turned around downing the whole glass. And put it down on the side.

"I think I need some coffee like right now, this is why I don't usually drink" she put her hands on her face rubbing her forehead.

I walked over to her pulling out a bag of coffee beans and shoving them into the machine "lucky for you I have a serious coffee addiction"

She wrapped her arms around my neck "thank youuu and also I'm never forgiving you or your friends for getting me that drunk"

"Just cause we bought the drinks doesn't mean you had to drink them all" she let go and hit my arm playfully before grabbing two mugs from the draining board and filling them.

I lifted myself up onto the counter sipping my drink and She leant next to me.

"You know you're really funny when you're drunk" the younger girl was looking up at me with a smirk on her face. Cmon I'm not some perv but anyone in this position would be thinking not so pg things.

"I'm sure I am but that doesn't mean I want to talk about it" I jumped off the side and went to put my mug in the sink.

I sat down on the couch and the girl followed flopping down next to me She was laid as far back as possible which made her shirt go up showing her toned stomach. Holy shit she's got full on abs.

I quickly looked away  before she noticed me staring, I'm no better then a man. 

"Any plans for today" she turned to me with her eyes half closed "not really how about you" she rubbed her eyes and sighed "i have to go shopping for smart clothes for the reading of my new script I want to make a good impression"

"THATS GREAT" I grabbed the girls arm she looked at me confused "don't look at me like that. You have to go out and buy clothes, I have a free day and a whole lot of money to spend"

"You can't buy me clothes taylor" she moved my hand from her arm and entwined our fingers "umm yes I can you're one of my best friends and I want to spoil you just like I'd spoil any other of my friends" she rolled her eyes and stood up with my hand still tightly in hers.

"Cmon let's go get ready and go"

                   Time skip

"Taylor I think it's time to go home you've bought me far too much I didn't want to you to buy me anything and now you've almost bought me $1000 worth of clothes"

"Oh but wait Elizabeth look at this it would look great on you" she looked around to see what I was looking at there was a plain black blaser with matching dress trousers "you've said that about almost everything In this shop you've got me enough"

"Just try it on while I try on.... this" I turned and grabbed the first dress I saw. "Fine"


I stepped into the changing room clothes in hand. The room was completely white with a full length mirror on the opposite side to the curtain. I put om the clothes when I heard a knock on the wall "lizzyyy can you come in here for a second"

I opened my curtain and turned to face taylors I went to grab the fabric but I was very hesitant. Why am I so scared to open a curtain nothing bads going to happen.

"Lizard what are you doing I can feel you lurking over there" I chuckled to myself and pulled back the curtain.

Taylor was stood there looking in the mirror in a tight black dress that reached to her ankles "can you please zip me up I can never reach" I walked closer to her her skin looks so smooth I put my hand on her back lightly to help lift the zipper.

I got it up half way when taylor spun round with a strange look on her face I could tell she was thinking about something. Her blue eyes looking deep into my soul I opened my mouth to ask what was going on when she crashed her lips onto mine.

The kiss was brief she pulled away and took a step back "I-Im so sorr-" I grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her closer just looking at her eyes it was silent the only thing I could hear was the faint breath of the singer. Every time I get close to the girl it's like I fall into a trance our faces just meer inches away I pulled her closer to me so our bodies were flushed together.

I rested my hand on the side of her face, I kissed her softly she tasted like mint gum. We stayed there for a few minutes I walked us slowly backwards until taylors back hit the wall. I pulled away to take a breath and moved my hands down to her waist pecking her lips quickly.

We were both breathing heavily taylors lips were red and slightly swollen, shit what have I done "Elizabeth..." my head was down looking at the floor I let go of taylor "I'm going to go get changed out of this ok" I fixed my hair and left to get changed back into my clothes.

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