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I woke up and looked around, I wasn't in my bed or at my house where the hell am I. I felt my head resting on something, I slowly turned to look, I was laying basically on top of taylor.

We were both sprawled out on her couch. My head was resting on her chest and she had her arms around my waist. Oh my god taylor swift is asleep with her arms around me I'm way too much of a lesbian for this.

She had her very distinctive sweet flowery perfume on and her skin smelt of vanilla it intoxicated me and drowned out all my sense. I closed my eyes and pushed myself lightly more into her embrace.

I stayed there for only a few more minutes when i felt something jump onto my stomach. It was a cat. I was staring at the cat and the cat was staring at me what on earth when did this cat get here? was it here last night?

"Taylor allison swift are you not awake yet cmon sweetheart it's 11:30"

I turned my head to the person who had just entered the room. It was an older woman she had a big Parker coat on and a red knitted scarf wrapped around her neck. "Oh- hello who are you" she smiled at me warmly, her eyes darted from me to taylor and back to me again but her expression didn't change.

I sat up quickly and tapped taylor on the shoulder. She opened her eyes and smiled at me, I saw her eyes drift over to the woman and her eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my god mum you scared me" taylor got up from the couch and walked over to her mum. She had started taking her coat off but taylor didn't let her finish before she jumped into her mother's arms.

Once they finally let go taylor turned to me with a giant grin "mum this is my friend Elizabeth and lizard this is my mum Andrea"

Andrea looked at her daughter questioningly "lizard?" I walked over to her with my hand out "it's nice to meet you and don't ask" she chuckled and pulled me into a big hug "it's nice to meet you too"

We separated from the hug and all walked into taylors kitchen "I see where you get your touchyness from" I whispered to the blonde she chuckled back quietly.

Andrea had started going through taylors kitchen "jesus taylor do you not eat why do u have no food" taylor rolled her eyes jokingly at her mother "I haven't had the time to go shopping momma" she smiled andrea didn't stop going through things, she was just going through her fridge

"Ok I'm going to make us all some omelette" andrea started getting things to make the dish, it was like she was in a world of her own.

Taylor grabbed my arm and guided me to the couch. "Sorry she'd been looking after my cats and I forgot she was dropping them off today or I would've warned you" she motioned to the two fury lumps that were eating their food "don't worry about it she's lovely" the blonde smiled at me.

"Foods ready you two come eat"

                     Time skip

We had all finished our food and taylors mum was currently teaching me how to knit while taylor the expert knitter she was, was already halfway through knitting a jumper.

"Ouch" I put my finger in my mouth it was throbbing in-between my two lips.

"Honey you're going to have to stop bleeding all over this scarf or no ones gonna want to wear it" andrea had grabbed yet another plaster from her bag and gentally wrapped it around my tiny wound.

"Hey some people might be into that" taylor whispered into my ear. I tried my hardest not to react until andrea had turned to put down the rubbish before I slapped taylor on the arm.

She had a massive smirk on her face and slapped me back, we continued slapping eachother slightly harder for a couple of seconds before andrea turned round to look at our antics with a slight smile across her face "if you two are quite done abusing eachother I think I'm going to head off"

We all got up and said our goodbyes, Andrea left and I went back to trying to finish that god damn scarf. "Ouch fuck" I yet again stabbed my finger taylor came over to me laughing.

"Come here stupid" she grabbed my hand and a plaster that andrea hs left graciously obviously not having faith in my clumsiness, she wrapped it around my finger tightly "by the time you're done you won't have any hand left lizard" she lifted my hand up to her mouth and kissed it gently. She stopped laughing and smiled at me our eyes connected. My stomach was twisting and turning her eyes were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen so blue, I couldn't breathe taylor was getting closer and closer to me, I could feel her breathing on my skin her plump lips adorn with a red stain were open slightly her tongue moistened them slowly. We leant in more and more, my heart rate rising, I could almost feel her against my lips..

"Ouch Elizabeth!" We moved apart quickly and I looked down at her hand that was now on her abdomen "you stabbed me with your knitting needle. Jeez I know you're probably going to kill yourself but could you not spare me" she chuckled and pushed my shoulder. I carefully put down the needles "taylor I'm so sorry" she chuckled at me again "don't worry lizard but maybe that's enough knitting for today" I nodded also laughing now.

Eventually it fell silent it had become slightly awkward as we both recalled what almost just happened but she didn't mean to almost kiss me obviously it was just my imagination she's very straight, like the straightest person I've ever met all her songs are about her ex boyfriends. It was just my subconscious trying to trick me because she's really pretty.

"I think I'm going to go home I need to rest and change my clothes" I broke the silence "oh yeah of course I'll get Greg to take you home" we both got up and waited by the lift for Greg to come get me. We heard it start to go up "thank you for keeping me company and feeding me and stuff" taylor looked deeply into my eyes and pulled me into another bone crushing hug "it's been my pleasure lizard you are one of my friends it's kind of my duty" the hug softened and we were just holding eachother, I could smell her perfume again god I loved her smell.

" *cough* are you ready to leave miss brown" it was Greg yet again having to clear his throat for us to Acknowledge his presence. " Yes Greg thank you and please call me lizzy or Elizabeth" he smiled at me slightly, so slightly that if u weren't staring at his face you would have missed it "I'm sorry I can't do that miss brown" I shook my head "worth a try"

I got in the lift with Greg and waved at taylor as the doors closed infront of me. The man took me home quite quickly, I said goodbye to him and entered my building, I just managed to feed lady before I collapsed on my couch from exhaust.

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now