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"Taylor you need to calm down. I asked for her number she's not harassing me" she had stopped screaming but she was still staring at Bella.

"Taylor look at me" She was just ignoring me "TAYLOR!" She finally turned to me "what's going on with you?"

"Nothing." She took a deep breath "I'm sorry for blowing up" she patted me on the shoulder and turned to walk away. I watched where she left to, she was sat at a table with Tom and selena.

I huffed and turned back to Bella who looked shaken "I'm so so sorry for her I don't know why she did that" her smile returned as she looked at me "no I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset your girlfriend" I started laughing "she is not my girlfriend"

"Oh sorry for assuming but I mean she did almost attack me for talking to you"

"Yeah again I'm really sorry but I promise she is just a friend and she doesn't usually act like that" I glanced over my shoulder and caught taylor looking at us.

"So you definitely don't have a girlfriend?" I looked back over at Bella "nope no one" she hopped  over the bar "well I'm going out for my smoke break right now and if any curly haired blonde bird wants to meet me outside I wouldn't mind it" she put her hand up to my face and brushed her thumb over my cheek lightly.

She then disappeared into the crowed of people. Archer looked over and gave me a knowing look before leaving to go to the toilet. I waited a couple more minutes before downing my drink and heading out after Bella.

The night was cold, I could see my breath as it left my mouth. I was looking around there was a very scarce amount of people dotted about smoking and chatting bu couldn't see Bella.

I was about to go back in when I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me into them. Suddenly I was face to face with the girl.

"Hey" she was just slightly taller then me and I may have a slight thing for tall girls. She looked down at me with a devilish grin on her face.

She put her hands on my waist so we were very close. I leant in a closed the gap kissing her hard, she backed us up till my back was  against the wall. I put my hands up to her cheeks to help push deeper into the kiss.

Her hands started wandering up from my waist and cupped my boobs. I gasped and pulled my face away it was really sudden and unexpected. "Oh sorry I should've asked. Is this ok?" I smiled at her and nodded but just as I was about to kiss her again I spotted a certain blonde over her shoulder.

Taylor was just stood there staring at us. What is up with her recently why is she acting so weird. Bells was kissing my neck but I don't think I'm into it anymore. Selena and Tom walked over to where taylor was standing, I think they were waiting for a car.

I took a deep breath "hey Bella It's getting late and I've just left my brother alone I think I'm going to head out" she pulled away "yeah of course" she pecked my lips and went to walk away "text me".

I watched Bella go back into the bar and I pulled out my phone.

Stupid idiot: archer I want to go home meet me outside.

Archie: on my way x

Put my phone back in my pocket. I got up from my position leaning on the wall and headed over to taylor.

"Hey guys how was your night" I looked at Tom and selena but they didn't look too happy. The actress cane over to me and gave me a hug "Elizabeth I'm so glad to see you again" I think taylor wasn't the only one drunk "goof to see you two selena"

Tom gave me a desperate look before whispering "help me they're both so so drunk" I laughed and patted him on the back "don't worry it's not my first rodeo"

He wrapped his arms around taylor and I wrapped mine around selena to keep them both standing. Taylor still hadn't said a word to me since she went bat shit crazy at the bar I'd pay any amount of money to know what she was thinking right now.

I felt my phone vibrate it was archer telling me that he's staying for a little while, I wonder what he's up to hopefully he gets lucky so I don't have to deal with him all miserable and depressed.

"Tom is it alright if you drop me at my house I don't really want to walk home this late" he smiled at me "of course we are I wasn't going to let you walk home are you crazy" I smiled back at the man. Why does he have to be such a good guy he makes it really hard to want to hate him.

A few minutes later Greg pulled up in taylors car and we all piled in. Taylor was still silent and resting her head on Tom's shoulder and looking out the window while selena was sat next to me chatting away about I don't even know what.

Greg dropped selena off at her house left safely in the custody of her security team. "Mr Hiddleston where am I going next?" He looked over into the back seat.

"Take Elizabeth home and then drop me and taylor at hers please Gregory" he turned back to the road and continued driving. Taylor finally as up "actually Greg drop Tom at his house I want to go back with lizzy" Tom looked at me "is that ok with you" I hesitantly nodded.

Next thing I knew we were at Tom's house he went to kiss taylor goodbye but she didn't look away from the window so he just kissed her on the cheek before getting out. It was now just me and taylor alone, well and Greg.

We spent what felt like an eternity trapped in this awkward blanket of silence before Greg finally pulled up infront of my house.

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