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When we got to taylors it was like nothing had happened we were both sprawled out laying all over eachother on her couch watching whatever shit was on the comedy channel.

Taylors head was resting on my stomach and I was playing with her hair. She turned to face me, I could tell that she wanted to say something.

Just when taylor was about to speak up I heard the door open.

"Hey taylor I- oh who's this" I turned to find Tom Hiddleston standing in the hall.

I looked back at taylor who was still laying on my stomach with a shocked expression on her face. "Babe this is Elizabeth she's a good friend of mine" she stood up and walked over to him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him He put his hands on her waist. Ew that's actually disgusting and since when does she introduce me as Elizabeth. Why so formal.

"Hi Elizabeth nice to meet you" he leant forward slightly and stuck out his hand for me to shake I stood up and shook his hand back I looked over at taylor and gave her a jokingly dirty look "call me lizzy"

Taylor and Tom sat down on the couch but it was strange she was all over him it was like I'd accidentally stumbled upon some
Kind of erotic show.

After a few minutes of us all just sitting there staring at the TV Tom stood up "you know what I think I'm going to go to bed it's getting late and I've got an early morning tomorrow"

"Ok baby I'll been in with you in a bit" she kissed him again this time felt longer. Tom left leaving it only me and taylor again, after he left the energy of the room completely changed.

Me and taylor were silent and sat a few feet away from eachother. "Soo Tom seems nice" she looked back over to me "yeah he is"

"He looks like he could fix a car" taylor burst out laughing and fell onto her side. Her head laying on my lap my hands instinctively found their way back into her hair "Yeah I bet he could fix up a car very nicely"

"Hey lizard it's get getting late do you want to stay here for the night"

"Yeah thank you I don't think I could make it off your couch right now"

Taylor gave me a pillow and a blanket. "I'm going to bed now liz I'll see you tomorrow" she walked upstairs.

I was alone while she was off doing god knows what with that man. I don't even want to think about it or it'll just make me angry.

                    Time skip

The next morning I woke up to the feeling of being watched I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was taylor stating down at me.

"Taylor what the fuck" she smiled at me "good morning" I sat up and tried to fix my hair "why are you staring at me"

She pushed my face back down and rolled her eyes "jeez love yourself much. I wasn't staring, you started to stir so I looked over"

"Alright calm down its not my fault you're like obsessed with me"

Taylor scoffed "last I checked you're my crazy stalker so actually you're the obsessed one"

I stood up ignoring taylor and walked to her kitchen. I opened her cupboards but they were practically empty. "Taylor how do you survive with no food"

She came up behind me and grabbed a bread roll from the counter infront of me. She was stood really close I could feel the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. "So-um taylor where's  Hiddleston at right now" she moved her mouth closer to my ear and sort of whispered "he left early for work"

I quickly moved away from the girl, she's in a relationship I'm not  getting into a position where I'm going to make a fool of myself.

"Do you just want to go out to eat" the girl looked over to me and down to her watch "yeah I've got time"


Me and lizzy got dropped off outside of a Diner a little while away from my house. I've been there a few times and it's a pretty nice place, one of the only decent  diners around here.

We sat down at a table next to a window it's not usually where I'd like to sit it's way too visible but the diner was completely packed. I ordered a burger and lizzy ordered a salad like a psyco.

"What have you got planned for today" she managed to get out inbetween bites of rabbit food "oh nothing much I've got a meeting with tree my publicist" ever since the other day with lizzy tree's been pissed at me. I mean she did help me out a lot with getting me together with Tom to throw off the scent.

"That sounds like fun" I could tell that she was being sarcastic she must be able to tell that somethings off but I can't tall to her about it I still don't know if I can trust her I have to make this believable.

"Yeah it will be fun"

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