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I was just staring at her with a shocked look on my face "do you really think that's a good idea? I mean what if it doesn't work out you would still have to be love intrests on the film and that would be awkward and what if she rejects you that would be even worse."

"You think she's going to reject me." She looked kind of sad which made me feel bad about not liking her but I still don't see that changing anytime soon.

"No thats not what I meant I just think you should think about it and maybe wait you know before you jump into anything." She smiled at me slightly "yeah you're right I'll wait till we've stopped filming it's only a couple of months"

"Yeah I think that's a good idea" I gave her a fake smile back "thank you taylor I really appreciate you helping me" she leant over and hugged me for a few minutes.

"You two look cozy" I looked back towards the door to see lizzy standing there trying to not laugh at me obviously feeling  uncomfortable by the girl hugging me.

"Oh lizzy I didn't see you there" cassie stood up abruptly. Please don't hug her, two feet away at all times please. She obviously can't read minds because two seconds later she had engulfed her in an embrace.

They pulled away but cassie still had her hand on Elizabeths arm I was staring at it wishing that I'd developed telekinesis and am now able to remove it from her but I had no luck.

"Taylor?" I looked up at lizzy "yeah?" She looked at me and then at cassies hand on her arm, She subtly shook it off and stood closer to me. I love that she knows exactly what's on my mind.

"Cass I think it's time for you to get ready Jan will be over in a minute"

"Ok see you in a bit" the girl turned round and left "Ugh finally shes gone" lizzy rolled her eyes and went back into the trailer so I followed after her.

"Thank you girls you did an amazing job honestly I've never looked better" she hugged and shook the hands of all the makeup and costume girls and then they all left so we were alone.

"You do look pretty good right now lizard" she just hummed at me "ok why are you ignoring me" she was hanging up her clothes "I'm not ignoring you" she didn't look at me "you've got an attitude"

"I just don't understand why you don't like cassie" she was now walking over to me with her arms crossed tightly over her chest "it's not that I don't like her It's that she likes you"

She was looking really confused "what do you mean?" I scoffed "isn't it obvious. She's like in love with you liz"

"Oh god taylor she doesn't like me like that don't be ridiculous"

"She does trust me she told me earlier" I took a couple of steps towards her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Earlier when you banished me from you're trailer she came over and started a conversation that went along the lines of if me and you were dating and then she told me that she wanted to ask you out"

"And what did you say"

I took a deep breath thinking back to what was said "well you know I- I don't know"

"What did you say when she asked if we were dating" her arms fell to her sides and it was like her eyes had widened.

"Lizzy I-"

"You said no. Didn't you?" She sighed deeply "answer me taylor. Did you or did you not say no"

"Yeah... I said no" I couldn't tell if what she was thinking her face was blank.

"Ok... ok cool" she took her phone out her pocket and started scrolling through things and I was just left standing alone.

"Lizzy... is that all you have to say?" She slowly looked up from her phone "so she wants to ask me out?"

"Yes she was going to"

"Was going to?"

"I might have told her that she should wait to ask and she agreed with me" she scoffed at me "well I'll have to let her know that I'm available and willing to date people"

"Lizzy..." I could feel my eyes starting to sting and my heart dropped.

"I think you should go home now taylor we're going to be filming late so there's no point of you waiting" she got up and opened the door, I walked over slowly "bye liz. Talk to me later yeah?"

"Mhm bye mate" she closed the door behind me. What have I done, I've already screwed it up and I was actually going to try this time. What is wrong with me why can't I ever do anything right?

I was heading out of the building when I saw cassie from afar she looked towards me and waved. I've never wanted to lynch someone in the face so much before but I waved back anyway.

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