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Me and lizzy parted ways not long after breakfast. The vibe was off with us, the conversation seemed to flow less and it was a lot more awkward compared to our usual very chill energy.

She took off on foot back to her house and I got Greg to drop me off before tree arrived for our meeting. I stepped through my door and instantly began to feel exhausted. This whole situation is emotionally draining and I'm sick of having to feel this way.

I kicked off my shoes and lowered myself to the ground leaning on the wall next to the door. I don't even get to figure out how I feel about things anymore I have to strategise instead.

Ever since I kissed lizzy I haven't had a spare second to stop and actually process what happened. I kissed her and it was nice but then she kissed me and it was amazing I havent felt that way ever before. I don't know whats going on with me lately but I do know that im happy I'm going through it with lizzy.

I think I might actually be falling for her and that thought is terrifying because I don't know if I'm ever going to be allowed to feel my feelings.

My inner thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door that echoed throughout my apartment. I sighed deeply before standing back up and answering the door, I was greeted by the faces of Tom and tree.

They walked in and we all sat on the couch, me and Tom were sat next to eachother and tree sat opposite

"So how's it going you two" I looked over at Tom he's a really nice guy and it's not like he's ugly but he's not Elizabeth.

I focused back on tree "it's going good I think the plans working" she pulled out a folder and slid it accross my coffee table "looks like it's going better then good, first pap walk and everyone's already talking about your new relationship"

Tom leant forward and opened the folder, there were printed out articles and tweets about us and the photos. Most of them seemed to be positive and tree was obviously very happy with them, I could tell by the grin on her face.

Tom hummed in agreement picking up the items to inspect them closer. Tree took her attention off the man and brought it back to me "the girl?" Her eyebrows were raised "She doesn't suspect a thing" my eyes fell to my hands and I could feel my eyes start to well up, this whole conversation makes me feel sick.

The red head let out a sigh of relief "ok good then everything's going smoothly" I was trying to stop my tears from leaving my eyes but I couldn't keep it up for long and tree noticed.

"Hey Tom could you please go make me a cup of coffee" the woman asked with a slight hint of desperation in her voice that the man picked up on "yeah sure" he stood up and walked off into the kitchen.

Tree came and sat next to me "taylor are you ok" she put her arm around my shoulders and I wiped away the tears from my eyes "yeah I'll be ok"

"Is it Tom that's making you sad. Do I have to beat him because I will." I laughed at how protective she can be "no it's not Tom, he's great it's just... I don't know tree it's all a lot" she wrapped her arms around me tightly "remember we can call it off whenever you want and try and figure out another way of fixing it"

"No its fine. Its the easiest way and it needs to be done" she removed her arms but was still sat close "ok then" I rested my head on her shoulder.

Tom came back over to us with two cups of coffee and handed one to tree and the other to me.We sat in silence until tree had finished her drink and left.

"Tom I'm really sorry that you had to sleep on the floor last night, I didn't want to make her leave so late"

"It's fine honestly I'll go back to sleeping on the couch, we'll get the paps to picture me a couple of times leaving your house in the morning and then I'll be able to sleep in my own bed again"

I sighed and looked down into my empty cup"yeah not long" Tom put his hand on my shoulder "taylor I know I probably shouldn't ask questions because it's not my place but what's going on with you and Elizabeth because it seems to me that you really like her" I looked up in shock at his words.

"I don't know exactly what's going on with you two but I can see the way you look at eachother  and it seems like a little bit more than friendship"

"Tom its more complicated than that. I mean I can't just like whoever I want, everything I do is amplified and picked apart by people all over the world. Come on you of all people should know that"

"Yeah I do know, I've known for years exactly what it's like to be in the spotlight but I don't care. I can't live my life afraid of what everyone else is going to say because it wouldn't be a life worth living. I'm not telling you to go out with a rainbow flag or whatever shouting that you love tits but you shouldn't have to hide away who you love and who you are"

Wow...how is he so hot and wise and talented that's not fair leave something for the rest of us. I think he's right but I can't just go from one extreme to the other I don't think I'm comfortable coming out to anyone right now.

I turned to face the man again snapping out of my thoughts. "Thank you so much Tom you're a good friend" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in tightly.

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