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"Have we done enough talking for today I'm really tired tay" I moved my arms from around her and stretched them above my head but the singer didn't let go, instead she clung on tighter and nuzzled her face into me.

"Cmon taylor please I've had a really long day I just want to go to sleep in a bed not on a couch" she still didn't move so I took hold of her under her arms and legs lifting her up as I got off the couch "we're going to bed now"

I carried her up the stairs and dropped her on her bed she landed on her face "Ouch Elizabeth that hurt bro"

I smirked at her "wow I just  dropped the platonic out of you 'bro' seriously?" she was trying not to smile pretending to be angry at me. She had her arms crossed over her chest and a pout on her face.

I crawled across the bed over to her and kissed her lightly but as I tried to pull away she pushed harder into the kiss, my mouth was open slightly and she slipped her tongue between my lips.

After a few seconds of that I pushed her away "woah hold your horses there I'm way too tired for you to start getting me riled up" I pecked her and then rolled back to the other side of the bed.

"Babe do you want to borrow some pajamas or something you can't sleep in jeans" I scrunched my nose up at her "wow you called me babe that's so strange. The miss taylor swift is my girlfriend"

She shoved me with both her hands making me almost fall off the edge of the bed "and no thanks darling I don't usually wear pajamas to bed"

She tilted her head at me and raised her eyebrows but I ignored her look and pulled my shirt over my head. Taylor started smirking at me and moving closer "now who's getting who riled up" she put her hands on my waist and kissed my neck.

"Taylor! Bed, sleep, now" she huffed "fine go get some rest you old woman" I kissed her cheek, kicked my jeans to the floor and got under the duvet.

Taylor cuddled up to me from behind intwining our legs and pushing her head into my neck. We both fell asleep a few minutes later.

               Time skip


I woke up still curled up with lizzy fast asleep next to me, I kissed her forehead and pulled the covers off of me. I stood up grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom.

I jumped into a cold shower to wake myself up before cleaning myself. I've been constantly anxious for the past two weeks it's like I've had permanent pressure on chest but last night it all went away, being with her makes all my worries disappear.

I finished rinsing all the bubbles off and I wrapped myself up in a towel when I heard someone scream from my bedroom.

I entered the room and found tree standing at the end of my bed with a terrified lizzy looking up at her.

"Oh taylor there you are. Would you mind explaining the naked woman sleeping in your bed and also why the hell have you been ignoring me"

Lizzy looked over to me still startled she had my duvet clutched up to her chest to keep herself covered.

"Tree hey. this is lizzy she's my... girlfriend" Tree just stared blankly at me "is she THAT lizzy?" I nodded "oh I see" she pointed at the girl in my bed "so that's what you've been doing instead of replying to me makes sense"

"Tree! no get your mind out the gutter, I wasn't replying to you because I couldn't deal with all the stress I just needed a break"

She hummed in response "have you had enough of a break or do you need more time?" I could tell she was being sarcastic but I kind of still don't want to deal with anything yet.

"Nope I'm fine go back to the living room and then we can talk in a second." I took hold of trees arms trying to guide her out my room. She looked back over her shoulder "bye naked girl see you when you're more clothed"

I closed the door and faced lizzy "I'm so sorry. I didn't know she was coming round" she was smiling at me "yeah thats obvious"

I threw her discarded clothes from last night at her so she could get dressed. I dropped my towel and walked over to my wardrobe grabbing a nice red dress. When I turned back around lizzy was stood up and walking towards me.

She was still just in her underwear she put her hands on my bare hips and moved me closer to her. She kissed my lips slowly then moved her kisses along my jaw and up to my ear.

"I'm not so tired anymore darling" her voice was low she moved from my ear to my collar bone then to my breast, her hands moved down to my arse.

"No babe tree is down stairs waiting for me I can't right now" she rested her forehead on my shoulder "oh come on. I swear the universe is cock blocking us or something" I laughed and patted her head, she moved away and sat on the end of my bed watching me get changed.

Once I was dressed I left lizzy in my bedroom and went downstairs to see tree who was sat on my couch typing away on her laptop.

"Oh taylor thank you so much for finally joining me I was beginning to think you'd escaped out the window to avoid me some more" she had a very serious expression on her face but I knew she wasn't actually mad at me.

"Sorry like I said earlier I just really needed a break" She sighed and patted the seat next to her for me to go sit down so I did. She pulled me into a hug "it's ok if you need to take a break sometimes but you need to let me know hun. There's a lot of things that go into helping to keep you safe you can't just remove yourself from the equation and expect time to stop for ya"

I looked down at a piece of thread that had come slightly loose from my couch and started pulling at it "yeah I know. I'm really sorry but I don't think I can do the whole Tom thing anymore it's just not right to trick people especially my fans"

"Yeah ok we can sort something out hun"

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