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By the time we got to the skatepark it was around 6 in the evening. We got out the car and grabbed our skateboards. "Before the lesson starts I think you should show me a demonstration" I looked at the blonde who was clipping a helmet around her chin.

I rolled my eyes at her and began skating around the park, I went over a couple of ramps and did a couple of kickflips with taylor cheering me on from a bench . I headed back round to taylor she stood up and rapped her arms around my neck in a hug "wow that was really good" she stated as we pulled apart. It really wasn't that impressive it just looked complicated.

"My turn" she said jumping up and down clapping. I chucked at the girl "come on then" I grabbed her hands and helped her on the board, I dragged her around for a little bit before she tried to do it for herself. She stepped on and kicked off the floor I walked a few paces infront and she skated towards me.

She was about to reach me when the skateboard hit a stone she flew off landing ontop of me. "How on earth do we keep ending up in this position" the blonde smiled down at me "must be just a crazy turn of fate" I smiled back.

We stayed in the same spot for a little while, I rested my hands on her waste and hers on my shoulders I just couldn't look away from her eyes her beautiful eyes. my gaze traveled down to her lips she noticed and slowly wet them over with her tongue.

Greg cleared his throat "um miss swift I think its time to go it's getting quite late" we both looked up at him "oh yeah your right" she replied her voice slightly wavering. She pushed herself up off the ground, I just sat there looking at her still unaware of what the hell just happened. I looked at my watch he was right it was half ten.

I grabbed her skateboard off the ground and walked over to her. "you'll probably want this" she just looked at me "give me your phone" I gave her a confused look  "what? Why?" I chuckled "just give me your phone" she said in a more determined tone. I handed the singer my phone she typed something into it and handed it back "text me if you need anything else or you want to meet up sometime" she had a massive smile on her face. I messaged her quick "just so you have my number too" I smiled. She went to walk with Greg back to her car but she turned back around "do you want a lift home" I nodded and jogged towards her.

On the way back to my house me and taylor didn't stop talking about basically nothing. She told me about her family and A LOT about her cats it was adorable watching her ramble about all the things she loves her face lit up and her eyes shined. God she was beautiful. I talked about my brother and my nonexistent acting career while she listened intensely which made me a little nervous.

When I reached my house taylor reached over and pulled me into a really tight hug "thank you for today I had a lot of fun" taylor breathed into my ear "and please call me" I slightly chuckled "I'll try and call" I whispered back. She let go and I climbed out the car waving and saying goodbye to Greg as I did, i opened my front door and walked up the steps to my apartment flopping down on my couch. Lady jumped up at me I patted the couch next to me and she jumped up curling around my legs.

I was so tired I could of collapsed right there, today was so crazy and unexpected I really dont know how I ended up teaching taylor swift how to skate that was mad. I got back up and changed into some pajamas, went into my bed. I closed my eyes about to try and get to sleep when I heard my phone buzz from my nightstand.

THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT: goodnight lizzy

Lizard: goodnight taylor

I smiled at my phone screen, She's so sweet, I locked my phone and put it back down. I closed my eyes and had the best night's sleep I've had in a while. 

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