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I collapsed down on my bed, taylor came and sat next to me. She put her hand and my stomach inching closer to the edge of my shirt slowly lifting it. I took her hand, moved it to my mouth and kissed it "not tonight hun I'm really tired" she smiled down at me and pecked my lips.

"Hey lizard before you fall asleep can I stay here tonight" I had my eyes closed and was barley even listening "mhm take whatever clothes from my draws to wear tonight" She kissed my cheek before I drifted off.

Time skip

I woke up to my alarm and the sun shining brightly on my face, I turned round to see taylor still asleep next to me. How is she asleep and still perfect, I currently look like a pile of shit.

I leant over and kissed her lightly on the cheek she opened her eyes and smiled. "Good morning tay" she groaned and shoved a pillow over her face.

I stood up and pulled the blanket off the bed "ughhhh seriously!" She sat up in the bed and threw her pillow at my head but she missed "ha you missed" she stuck her middle finger up at me "well that's not very lady like"

She got out of bed and walked over to me I put my arms up to protect my face "I'm sorry please don't hurt me" she laughed and put her arms around my waist "oh well that's not what I thought was going to happen" she rolled her eyes and kissed me.

I pushed her away "I need to go to work" she pulled me back in for another kiss "fine but I'm taking you" I scanned the girl up and down, she was wearing an old shirt with my school logo on it amd a pair of my joggers "you look great in my clothes"

"Thanks hun" She kissed me on my cheek but before she pulled away she whispered to me "if you think I look good now you should see what I look like without clothes"

My jaw dropped and my heart started racing she look at my shocked face and smiled sweetly before going to rummaging through my clothes again "I'm borrowing some more clothes" I was frozen in my place unable to speak "I'm going to take that silence as permission"

I walked up behind her and grabbed a shirt and shorts for myself to wear "knock yourself out tay" she looked up at me and scrunched up her nose and continued looking.

I went into my bathroom to get changed and found myself staring at my reflection in the mirror contemplating how I got into this situation, taylor swift is in my bedroom changing into my clothes after spending the night, it's crazy.

I chucked my old clothes into the dirty washing basket and left the bathroom. Taylors back was to me but she wasn't wearing a shirt  "oh my- I'm so sorry" I quickly covered my eyes, taylor laughed at me being awkward.

"Lizard" I could hear her footsteps coming towards me "you do know that I don't mind if you see me without a shirt on" she took hold of my hands and lowered them onto her hips "right?"

I kept my eyes closed tight "I know... I just don't want to make you feel uncomfortable" it was quiet for a second and then taylor kissed me deeply "Elizabeth open your eyes stupid"

I hesitantly opened my eyes and looked into taylors, I forgot how blue her eyes are... wow. I tried as hard as I could to keep my focus on her face but my eyes started to drift down.

"How are you so awkward. Its like you've never see a pair of breasts. You have seen boobs before haven't you?"

"Yes I've seen boobs taylor, I'm just a very awkward person it's not my fault" she was laughing at me again "you're so cute" she squished my face inbetween her hands and kissed my forehead.

I moved away from the girls grasp "you're so condescending.  We need to go now if I'm going to be on time." Taylor huffed "fine"

I put my shoes on and grabbed my coat "and no matter how much I wish it wasn't true I think you should probably put on a shirt" she winked at me and slipped a shirt over her head.

Me and taylor got in the car with Greg and he dropped us both off at the studio, we went to my trailer so I could get ready for shooting all of today's scenes.

All the costume, hair and make up girls came in to help me get ready, they all freaked out about taylor being there but she let them all take photos with her and they calmed down.

"Alright hun we're gonna get you changed now ok" Jan the costume lady pulled over a rail full with clothes.

Taylor was sat at the table scrolling on her phone and she wasn't paying any attention to what was going on around her. I walked over to her and lightly kicked her leg.

She looked over to me "what?" I looked over in the direction of the clothes, she gave me a sarcastic  "really?" I just continued to stare at her "ok fine I'll wait outside"


I stepped outside of lizzys trailer and sat down on the step continuing to scroll through my emails, for the last couple of days I'd been ignoring all of trees attempts to get in contact with me.

I haven't been in the right mind
to respond to her, I didn't want to say something to anyone that I would regret. It wouldn't be the first time, after that night with lizzy I woke up and realised what had happened and I panicked.

Leaving that day was a big mistake and I knew that as soon as I got in the car but it was already too late. I'm so lucky that she's given me a second chance and I really hope I don't screw it up this time.

I sighed and put away my phone when I heared someone come up behind me "taylor" it was that girl cassie from the other day, I don't know why but I don't trust her.

"Hey cassie how are you" she came and sat next to me so close that our arms were squashed together which made me uncomfortable. "I'm alright. What are you doing sat out here?"

"Lizzys getting changed and I thought I'd give her some privacy"

"Huh" she was looking down at her hands and twirling her rings around her fingers "why did you 'huh' "

"Nothing it's just I thought you and lizzy were in a kind of... you know in a relationship so I just assumed she wouldn't have a problem with you being in there when she's changing"

"Well cassie that's a whole lot to assume" I faked a laugh "so you and liz arnt dating?" She looked up from her hands "no we are not dating"

"Hmm" I rolled my eyes just subtle enough for her to not notice "you have a thing for 'hmm-ing and huh-ing don't you"

"Sorry I was just wondering if you knew if she was dating anyone else" for this girls sake this better not go where I think it's going "no I don't think she's seeing anyone"

"Ok good to know" she was looking at me with a massive smile on her face "why did you ask?" I'm hoping that she's just very curious or interested in her friends life.

"I'm thinking about maybe asking her out since she's available" damn I knew it why did I have to be right.

~check out my new story 'if lorelai gilmore liked women' if you're into women and like gilmore girls~

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