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I had finished making the pancakes and me and lizzy were sat down on the kitchen side eating them. "So tell me more about this role" I could tell by the face that she gave me she was really excited "what do you want to know"

"I don't know man, what's it called" I took another big bite of pancake, my food was drowned in syrup "its called 'Beth Sinclair' and its about the life of a girl called bethany sinclair" she smiled at me before shoving more pancake in her mouth "who do you play"

"Beth sinclair"

"WOW Elizabeth that's amazing, it also kind of sounds like your name which is weird"

"Yeah it is amazing and I still can't believe that it's actually happening"

"We need to celebrate. We're going out for drinks tonight and you can meet all my other friends "
"Ok yeah that sounds really fun"

I wrapped my arms around her I know I'm being very touchy with the girl but I can't help it, she's the kind of girl you just feel comfortable around instantly. From the moment I met her I was sort of drawn to her, I just knew we had to be friends.

                    Time skip

I was sat on lizzy couch facing her kitchen where she was doing the washing up. She was humming a very familiar tune. I smiled to myself, that's my song. She was preoccupied with the plate currently in her hands that she must of forgot she had company.

I stood up and slowly walked up behind her to listen closer "hm hm hm don't leave me like this hm hm figured out hm hm gone hmm haunted"

she finished her little song while drying up the plate, she turned round to put it away and almost dropped it as she spotted me standing close to her.

"Jesus crist taylor you scared me"

"I scared you? You're the one singing one of my songs like a stalker. I was convinced you were going to kidnap me or something" I was smiling at her but she had a blank expression on her face.

She turned back round again just ignoring me, so I decided to mock her more "comon comon don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out can breath whenever you're gone can't turn back now I'm haunted "

She was looking at me again trying to hide a smile "yeah that was lovely whatever, I still don't appreciate it" she rinsed the last bit of washing up before putting it away.

I was stood very close to her now, she turned her whole body to me so we were now face to face, well face to neck cause she's short. I chuckled to myself at that thought.

"What? Why are u laughing?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at her. I caught her eyes in mine, I could feel my heart stop dead in my chest. "No reason don't worry" she raised her eyebrows at me.

She put her hands on my waist and smilied at me but i was too shocked at the movement to smile back. I felt myself slowly leaning in when she moved me over so that she could get past me.

Wow did she just reject me. Ok so looks like she doesn't want to kiss me, I mean I knew that already, I don't know why I even tried to its not like I have feelings for her or anything I just got swept up in the moment.

"Hey lizard go grab some clothes and you can come round mine to get changed for tonight"

She went over to her room, it was really messy with clothes everywhere with random cups scattered around. That's funny to me cause she comes across as a very tidy person.

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now