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Me and archer sat up at the bar it was busy with bright lights and loud music, it was slightly overwhelming but we both needed a distraction and by the time I've had a couple of drinks I'll be normal.

I was looking around when I caught the eye of the bartender it was a tall woman with a black wolf cut she was wearing a small red top that just about covered her boobs and she was very pretty.

Archer cleared his throat "maybe if you and that hot bartender stopped checking eachother out we could get some drinks" he said with a fake annoyance failing to stop a smirk appearing on his face.

The woman made her way over to us, as she got closer I could see that she had a few piercings one in her eyebrow and one in her nose which I found incredibly attractive. "Hey there what can I get for you guys" she was looking directly in my eyes "your number hopefully" I joked.

Her smile widened "hmm I guess we'll have to see but do you want anything to drink in the meantime" she leant on her elbows on the counter right infront of me archer tapped on the surface infront of him to try and get her attention "can I have a beer please" she turned to him and nodded before turning back to me "and for the pretty lady?"

"I'll take a vodka diet coke and the chance to take you back to my place?" She playfully rolled her eyes "I'll get you that vodka diet coke" she then turned around and walked away. Archer furrowed his eyebrows and shouted after her "and a beer?" But she didn't hear him.

"Ugh great, couldn't you of waited until we got our drinks to try and get into the bartenders pants?" I laughed at his phrasing "nope sorry the heart wants what the heart wants"

"Yeah sure let's say that you were thinking with your heart and not your vagina you horny barstard" I punched him hard in the arm "so what it's been a long time ok" he pulled a disgusted face.

After a little while me and archer were a couple of drinks down and the flirting only got stronger from both me and the bartender. "So miss barkeep may I please get your name or should I just call you mine?" She visibly cringed at my lame attempt at a pick up line but in my defence I'm running out of things to say.

"My names Bella but you can call me tonight" She put down a napkin with her phone number on it under my freshly made drink. I was about to say something back when I heard a certain laugh, I would recognise that laugh anywhere. I whipped my head round and standing a few feet away was no other then the miss taylor swift.

Just asI found her in the crowd she turned round and saw me too. I stood up from the stool I was sitting at and archer looked really confused, taylor practically ran over to me "LIZARD!" she was obviously a fair bit inebriated.

She wrapped both her arms around my neck and hung off me slightly "taylor what are you doing?" I grabbed hold of her waist as it felt like she was about to topple over "I missed you" I moved her off of me and sat her down on the stool "I literally saw you yesterday".

Archer looked really shocked I could practically see his eyes bulging out his head he looked like a squashed chihuahua. While taylor was ordering another drink archer grabbed hold of my arm and dragged me to another part of the bar.

"Why the fuck did you not tell me that you were friends with taylor swift. What the hell! The other day we had a 3 hour conversation on the phone about your dog but you didn't think that the fact your friends with one of the biggest singers of out generation is important enough information to tell me. You know I love taylor I'm so mad you didn't tell me"

"chill out I'm sorry. I mean if you really think about it I kinda did tell you about her" I could see the cogs turning I'm his head "wait... no way that she's your sort of lover!" I just stared at him not wanting to answer.

"Elizabeth cara brown you sneaky little bitch"

"Archer shut up we can talk about this later" he nodded and we both walked back over to the bar. Taylor was ordering another round of shots when we got over there Bella smiled at me "oh finally you're back pretty lady I thought you left me" I smiled at the bartender "I would never leave you hun"

Taylor looked at Bella with a really dirty look as she walked away to serve other people. After ten seconds of burning a hole through the girl she turned back to me "what was that" she said sounding disgusted "I don't know really"

"That was really unprofessional if you ask me she should be fired" she suddenly got really moody "taylor it's just flirting everyone flirts it's just the way life goes"

Taylor just rolled her eyes and continued sipping on her mojito. I picked up my glass and downed the rest of my drink waving for Bella to come back over to get me another. She took the empty glass out of my hand winking at me as her other hand squeezed my arm.

"HEY YOU! Bartender lady, leave her alone" taylor was standing up now but Bella just looked at her confused "what are you talking about crazy lady?" Taylor huffed "ME CRAZY? YOURE THE ONE WHOS STALKING HER! What the fuck is this your number?" Taylor picked up the napkin "Why the fuck would she want that?"

I have no idea what was going on right now why the hell is taylor acting so crazy, she's had way too much to drink. I don't know what she's about to do.

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now