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Taylor and I were just meer inches away from eachother now I could almost taste the flavour of her lips. Her thumb slid over my lips slowly. "Ouch LADY!" the small dog had charged into me and nocked my arm, I was now again laying flat on top of taylor.

Lady was licking taylor face and she was laughing hard. "Lady stop! taylor I'm so sorry she gets excited when people lay on the floor" I stood up and picked up the dog and put her in her bed.

"I love your dog so much lizard, I think I might love her more than you" taylor stood up and sat back down on the couch "Ouch tay that hurt my heart" she smiled at me.

I sat down a fair distance away from taylor because of what just happened or what I thought just happened. I mean again she wouldn't ever kiss me she's not into women and unfortunately at this moment I am a woman. Even if she was slightly into girls she wouldn't go for me, she barely even knows me and she could have anyone she wants. She could have blake lively if she wanted to she's friends with her aswell.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I flinched under her touch she scared me, waking me from my trance "hey you ok" I turned to face her she had a concerned expression "yeah I'm good" I quickly turned away and grabbed the bottle of wine.

"Ooooh this is expensive miss swift" I went and grabbed a bottle opener and popped of the first Cork "only the best wine for the best people" she followed me opening my cupboards until she found the wine glasses. I poored it into two glasses, "here have the controller I'm going to trust you to pick a decent film for us ok" she grabbed the control out my hand excitedly "ok" she scrolled for a couple of minutes before she decided on a film.

I laid out on the couch and taylor came and cuddled up into my arms "oh hello there" she looked up at me "I'm so tired why did you wake me up so early I need a hug" I wrapped my arms around her "ok fine then I guess it is kind of my fault"

The film started to play "pitch perfect?" She took my hands in hers "yeah is that ok with you?" She gave me a dirty look "yeah it's a great film, one of my favourites actually" she nodded and turned back to the film "good"


I looked up at a sleeping Elizabeth poor girl couldn't even make it to the end of the film. She had her arms wrapped tightly around my waste, I gentally removed them and placed them around a pillow. she's so cute when she sleeps.

I grabbed a nearby blanket and threw it over her before saying my goodbyes to the tired dog half hanging out of her small bed. I was about to leave the girls apartment when a wave of tiredness came over me and I just realised how exhausted I am, instead I grabbed another pillow and blanket and laid down on the floor next to the couch.

Did we almost kiss earlier. No we couldn't of I must of just imagined it she wouldn't want to kiss me, shes gorgeous she probably has girls lining up for her. I mean most of the time when I look at her I struggle to find the words to put sentences together which is strange because I'm great with words I read dictionaries in my free time. Ugh I don't know.

I tried to stay awake a little bit longer but my eyes were getting really heavy and it's not fair that lizzy gets to sleep after she RUDELY woke ME! up in the middle of the night. Its fine though because it was totally worth coming round. I just gave up on staying awake and fell asleep instantly.

I woke up to the smell of something sweet cooking, I sat up and turned to the kitchen. "Good morning sleeping beauty" lizzy was staring down at me.

The room was really bright and she was cooking what seemed to be pancakes even though it doesn't look like it's going very well. I stood up and walked ever to her "mhm morning, what on earth have those pancakes ever done to you" she gave me a death stare trying to hide her smile "even when you're tired and groggy you're still mean"

I grabbed her shoulders and moved her out the way "shut up and let me save our breakfast" she hopped up on the counter "good cause I have no idea what I'm doing" I laughed at the girl "really? I had no idea" I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes.

Holy Shit.. you're Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now