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"ARE you sure you don't wanna take him up on that offer?"

I gave Layla a look which made her raise her hands in defense. "I'm just sayin."

"Yeah, and sit there for two hours in the quiet ass library working together? I'd rather not."

We were walking on the sidewalk towards the school since we took the bus this morning. I didn't feel like driving and apparently, Layla didn't either.

It was kind of weird how even her situationship, Easton, didn't pick her up. I just assumed that she had either gotten caught with him, or that she got her car taken away.

Possibly both.

Laken picked Kade up since it was game day and they wanted to chill before class I guess.

"Hm." Layla thought while running a hand through her low ponytail and bumping into my side. "I bet that sexual tension would be mighty high."

"Get the fuck off of me."

She smiled before thinking of something. "You got your pen?"

"Left it at home on my bed."

"Shit," She shook her head. "Did I tell you my mom found my weed pen?"

I knew Aunt Mel was pissed.

"How did she even find it?"

"I don't even know." Layla answered truthfully.

"I kept it in my makeup drawer and I guess she found herself wanting to look cute or some shit, so she went through it when I was at Easton's house. I came home and she was standing by the kitchen counter with it laying on the island. Couldn't even lie myself outta that one."

"You could've lied and said it was mine," I offered before sitting in silence a moment. "When was this?"

Layla pursed her lips together, thinking. "Maybe like two days ago? She's taking my car away for a week."

"Sucks. Wonder how you're gonna pull up to Easton's house." I absently said, getting distracted while we walked inside the school.

You could see some people loitering. There was school spirit everywhere.

The cheerleaders and dance team were wearing their uniforms, and the football players had on their jerseys.

"You can't even sneak him in anymore. You know your mom would have a heart attack if she saw him." I referred back to earlier.

"She would definitely go on a long ass rant about how she thought I was done with him and now I'm going back. She can't even talk. That's exactly how she was with my dad."

Principal Atkins was standing by the doorway with his megaphone, saying something about a pep rally.

When he saw Layla and I, he smiled, then gestured for me to take my hood off.

Atkins was an okay principal.

One reason being because he never gave me severe punishments for all the times I had been in trouble with him. He never gave Layla or Kade ones either.

The other reason being because as many times as he should've called my mom up to the school, he never did.

He just slowly became accustomed to us getting in trouble and just started acting like we were friends or something.

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