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"THAT'S the one," I said, looking at the picture I just took on my phone.

"Take another," Layla replied, running her hand through her hair. It was now back to its original color. A dark brown color. "That one didn't feel right."

We were at Long Beach, taking pictures for her insta. It wasn't too cold, but it was chilly so we were wearing sweatshirts.

We were only with each other since Camila was with her family for Christmas Eve, Easton and Isaac were together, going to look around at the college they got accepted in, and Kade was chilling at the house.

I wasn't really sure though. I hadn't heard from him in a long time.

My dad ended up getting deployed again and my mom had to work. So, it pretty much was just Layla and me.

She rested on her knees, sitting in the soft white sand while running a hand through her long hair. The sun was high in the sky, shining down giving a nice golden look on her already tan-ish skin. It made her eyes look more golden brown.

"Did that one feel right?" I took the phone away, looking at the picture. I had taken about thirty pictures in the past hour.

She looked good in every single one so I wasn't sure what she was looking for.

"Show me," She said, leaning forward to look at the picture. I leaned forward too, handing her phone to her.

"This is why you're my favorite cameraman," She swiped through some of the photos. "I wish I could return the favor but you literally do not have an insta account."

I really was the only one who helped take her insta pictures because she was an only child.

I also took Kade's but he was the worse person to take pictures for because if he didn't like it, you would be getting cussed out.

I have a shrug, standing up from the sand and wiping it off my butt and the back of my thighs. "Kade told me about how Easton replies to every comment in your comment sections."

She smiled, shaking her head at the thought as she stood up too, pushing her hair behind her shoulder. "I disabled my comments one time because I thought I was getting notifications from people liking my post, but it was him replying to the guys who commented on it."

"How cute. I know you love it."

"Yeah," She nodded sarcastically. "Him doing all that while we're not even together."

"Dude," I pushed her shoulder. "He's fucking nervous."

"How do you know that?"

"It's obvious. He most likely doesn't want to ruin the relationship on where it's at at this moment."

"Since when do you know so much about relationships?" She eyed me, walking to the passenger side of her jeep, tossing me the keys. I caught it with one hand.

"Thought you weren't in one?"

She was so excited about getting her jeep, yet she hardly likes driving.

"I'm not," I reminded her, getting inside the driver side and starting the car up. Layla got into the passenger side. "Not really. Well.."

She raised her brows, looking at me while she put on her seatbelt.

"I don't know what the fuck we have going on," I answered honestly, putting my own seatbelt on before pulling out of the parking deck. "I knew this shit was a bad idea."

"So you kiss him to level it out, right?"

I glanced over at her for a second before letting out a sigh.

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