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LOOKING at myself in the mirror standing in my red gown with the matching cap on my head was bittersweet.

I still remembered when I was freshman. It was a crazy thing.

I even had vivid memories of me when I was younger, never being able to fathom the thought of me graduating and being sent off into the real world. It was so crazy.

I wore a mini white dress and white heels. My toe nails were painted white, and so were my fingernails.

I was still pissed off on the fact that you could still see the slight curve in my pinky finger.

At least it held memories to that night.

I placed my hands just underneath the ends of my straight hair, lifting it slightly before letting it rest back against the front of my body.

I started to walk out of my room, heading down the stairs while my hand skimmed the railing.

KT was standing by the front door, our mom tying his tie.

He had on a nice suit that I knew mom forced him to wear. His curly hair looked nice too.

Mom's hair was straightened, going to her mid waist. She wore a mini dress and had on silver heels. Her makeup was done too.

Kade looked in my direction, staring for a moment.

I think realization hit that this was actually real.

My mom looked over too. "Acey, you look so beautiful."

"Thank you," I told her, a smile coming to my face as I thought of a funny remark. "Although I already knew that."

"I hate how much you act like me," She shook her head, looking down at her Apple Watch. "We need to leave soon if we want to get there early, but I want to take a picture of you two."

I looked around my house, seeing as I had grown up in it my whole entire life.

I knew that this was going to be my last summer here.

Half of a summer. I was gonna have to leave in July to get my dorm and everything ready.

It was a bittersweet feeling.

Especially how I knew that I didn't really have plans after this point. I never knew I would make it past 18.

Kade and I followed her outside, standing in front of the house.

My mom lifted her phone. "It better look good because I'm mailing it to your Dad."

"I mean, I'll look good," KT said, glancing down at me. "I don't know if she will."

"I seriously feel bad for you, Mom," I sighed. "You have to spend another year with him. Alone."

"Don't worry, Acey," My mom shook her head. "I'm sending him to boot camp."

"Yeah, we'll see how that goes," Kade sighed.

I placed my arm around his back, leaning into his side while he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I haven't seen you guys this close since elementary school," My mom smiled, snapping pictures.

"Can you hurry up?" Kade said through his smile. "My claustrophobia is kicking in."

She nodded, signaling that she was done.

"Get off of me," He immediately said, sticking his hand on my face.

"You're gonna ruin my makeup," I grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand off of me. I then placed my hands on his chest, pushing him although he hardly moved.

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