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"I'M not sure if they're right."

"I don't even care at this point," I responded while copying down the homework answers from my brother.

I had forgotten to do it, so I was lucky to see Kade before going to third block.

We were in the hallway while I had the papers held up against the lockers. The bell had already rung so people were just mingling in the hallways, while some were heading to class.

We had the same math teacher. Kade had her first period, I had her 3rd.

He also had English with Layla since they both had English III this semester.

"I still don't know how you're failing."

"Shut up." I told him while copying down the last answer. "You have a 61."

"Okay?" He narrowed his eyes. "Still passing your failing ass."

"By one point, dumbass." I took my paper off the lockers and handed him his, to which he snatched from me.

I was about to head to my math class since the bell rang.

Mrs Richardson loved giving out tardies.

"Still passing."

"Ask me if I care."

"You guys are arguing at 11 in the morning." Laken said while walking up to us. He was wearing plaid pajama pants and a white t shirt. "It's too early for this shit."

I would say he was going to get dress coded but guys hardly got dress coded at this school.

Kade raised his hands in defense. "All fairness, she started it."

"I literally did not."

"Doesn't matter." Laken said to us.

Even though he was not responsible at all, he was sometimes the parent in our friend group that broke up the arguments between Kade and me.

I also think he was unusually chill this day because he smoked before coming here.

I think that was the pros of his parents never ever being home.

"Yeah, I don't have time for this." My brother told us. "I have to go to English before she gives me my tenth tardy."

He walked down the slightly crowded hallway, disappearing into another.

I looked over to Lake. "He drives me crazy."

He smiled while fixing his hair. "What are younger brothers for?"

"Still trying to figure that one out."

He shook his head at me, a slight smile still on his face. "You know how much I would kill to have a sibling."

I raised a brow.

"Yeah, I'm bullshitting," He let out a short laugh.

Laken did have a few older siblings, but he never really talked to them or brought them up since they were all over ten plus years older.

They were also moved out and in different states.

"I know," I looked behind him to see Layla walking down this way. She had to go down this hallway to go to English.

Her brown hair was in a low ponytail and she was wearing ripped jeans with a seamless top. "You know the bell has already rung, right?" She came over to us.

"I'm an office aid this period." Laken replied. "Doesn't bother me."

"An office aid after what happened between you and Atkins?" I questioned, looking up to him.

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