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Isaac Hale

I could feel my own heart rate speed up when the only thing I had done was ring the doorbell.

I don't know what the fuck I had gotten myself into, but I knew I didn't want to leave.

I knew Asra was trouble when I first saw her back in freshman year.

Trouble never looked so goddamn fine.

I heard the door unlock, pulling back as it opened, revealing Asra.

She was wearing a red mini dress and high heels. Her usually curly hair was straightened, going to her mid waist.

Her eyes slightly closed as she smiled at me, tilting her head slightly.

My mouth parted as I took in her appearance, not knowing what to say.

She took my words away.

"You kind of took my words away, so give me a minute," I admitted, taking a step forward to show her the bouquet of roses in my hand.

Her mouth fell opened before she smiled that smile, stepping forward and placing her hands over my shoulders, bringing me close to her.

Her scent filled my senses as I took one arm, wrapping it around her body. "I take it you like flowers a lot."

"Or you," She admitted, leaning away slightly as her hands rested on my shoulders.

My brows raised in surprise. "You wanna address that?"

"I wanna address you being in this suit," She replied, not quite answering what I said. "You look great in it."

"I spent thirty minutes on my tie," I stated. "You better like it."

"Thirty minutes?" She repeated, letting her hands find the collar of my suit. "I wonder how fast I can take it off."

She pulled me in by my collar, letting her lips kiss me.

It caught me by surprise, my hand resting on her hip before slowly encircling her waist.

She pulled away once I started to kiss her back, leaving me aching for more.

"Come on," She took my hand, turning around as we walked into the house. "I have to find a vase."

I did as I was told, following after her as we entered her house.

It was nicely sized and the kitchen was pretty open and spacious as we walked into it.

Behind the island was her mom. She was wearing her nurse scrubs, her brown hair resting down her back.

I noticed how she looked exactly like Asra, just a different skin tone.

She looked up when she caught sight of us, smiling. "It's nice to see you, Isaac." She greeted me. "Kade isn't here. He's out on a date with Camila."

"That's fine," Asra replied, walking over to the sink to fill up the glass vase she found in one of the cabinets. "He's with me."

Her mom smiled more, lightly shaking her head at me. "I see you moved on from KT to Acey. I think I have a pretty educated guess on who your favorite sibling is."

I found myself smiling too. "I think Asra did catch my eye a little bit more."

"I can't help that I'm the better sibling," Asra avowed, placing the glass vase down on the counter.

I took a step towards her, handing her the bouquet of flowers as she slipped the wrapper off, placing the flowers in the vase.

Her mom only shook her head at her comment, not being able to say much since Asra was an exact copy of her.

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