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IT was finally September. That meant that we had officially nine months of school left.

I was so ready to be out of school.

Although life wouldn't be how it usually was.

I would be having bigger responsibilities since I would be going to college and living life on my own out there.

I didn't even know what I wanted to do in the future, but I knew that if I still thought of nothing, I was going to free ball it and become an aesthetic nurse.

What could go wrong with that? I had the license to not only do work on other people, but do work on myself too.

It was a win win.

"I love Saturdays."

I looked over to the sound of the voice, seeing Layla.

She laid on her lounge chair in a white bikini. Her once dark hair was now a cherry brown as she had gotten it dyed one day last week.

Of course Aunt Mel was pissed, but nothing could be done.

Layla's hair was tied up on her head and she had sunglasses covering her face. Her skin was slightly tan and she had freckles dusted across her face that only shown up in the sun.

We were over her house, sitting in chairs beside the pool in our swimming suits.

The water was nice and we had been swimming in it all day. Now we were just relaxing on the chairs.

Although Layla only swam for a little bit.

She was focused on getting a perfect tan.

She was so extra, but I loved her. She really was my other half.

"Can't blame you." I responded while looking back straight. I was wearing a two piece swimming suit that I had found in my closet.

I used to own a lot at one point, but I had given them to Layla since I only used them on vacations or whenever I went over her house since we didn't own a pool.

My hair was resting down my shoulders and I hadn't made an effort to put it up. I needed to wash my hair anyways.

"I would too if I had a pool to go out to everyday," Camila said from my other side.

I had invited her over since we were off work today. Layla didn't mind since we had no other friends to invite.

We were our only friends.

Camila had on a pink tie string bikini that complimented against her fair skin. Her dark hair was in a loose ponytail.

"That's the thing," Layla had sat up. "I hardly ever use my pool. But, if you guys ever wanna swim, come over anytime."

"I'll definitely take you up on that offer." Camila responded.

I nodded in agreement.

The back door opened up. Aunt Mel was walking out to the pool with a silver tray in her hand.

Her dirty blonde hair was in a ponytail and she had a visor cap on. She was wearing a seamless tank top and shorts.

On the tray, we had three drinks that looked like pina coladas. There was a mini umbrella in the drink along with a cherry and pineapple on the rim.

She walked over to us, holding out the tray. Cam took one, then me, and lastly Layla. We told her our thanks.

Aunt Mel nodded her head. "There's more in there if you want seconds." She checked her apple watch before talking. "I'm gonna roll out."

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