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Isaac Hale

YOU never think it would happen to you until it does.

But when it does happen, a series of emotions and thoughts run through your head.

You start to wonder what you did to deserve it. What was it that I could've done better, or fixed, to have had these state of affairs end in a different way?

What did I do wrong? Could I have made it better?

Maybe if she just would've talked to me, I could've changed my ways.

Maybe if I hadn't left for a week to go to college prospect camp, this could've all been avoided.

Or maybe I deserved it. Karma always came to hit those hardest who fucked up the most.

You will never understand the damage you did to someone until the same thing is done to you.

But still, I couldn't understand where I went wrong.

I archived the last picture of us on my Instagram. I couldn't fully make myself delete the pictures, at least not yet.

I understood that I was the one who was one hundred percent hurt, but it still felt wrong in way to get rid of those four year memories.

One thousand, four hundred sixty one days coming to an end due to a simple choice that could've been avoided.

I wasted so many fucking hours on her.

So many days, so many nights, I wasted everything on her.

Even on Louis too.

My parents took him in when he had nothing on the table. He couldn't even afford shit.

Yet when he finally had something, his best decision was to screw me over.

I declined another call, placing my phone on the kitchen island.

I had received almost a hundred calls from her since the moment it happened, and several messages, from not only her, but Louis too.

It was in my best interest to have no contact with her from the time being.

I couldn't even look at her without getting pissed.

"I just don't understand why you're sitting around here like you're depressed or something. It was only a high school relationship, Isaac."

My mom walked into the kitchen wearing a dress. She looked like she was going out on another date with my dad for the third time this week.

She hardly paid attention to me until it was the point where I wasn't being productive or doing shit around the house.

I was quiet a moment, deciding on how I should answer to her while she fixed her hair, looking at her appearance in the hand held mirror she had.

"A relationship is a relationship," I told her. "At the end of the day, I put my time, effort, and I committed my all to that almost four year relationship. Not to mention the fact that my life revolved around it."

"And who's fault is that?" My dad said, coming into the kitchen.

He adjusted the tie to his suit while standing next to my mom.

"We told you a few times that we didn't think she was the right one for you. You should've known all along that she wasn't a good person."

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