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THIS week went by extremely quick.

Probably because I had missed school the rest of that week.

I sat at my vanity, finishing up my makeup. My hair was in a ponytail while I left out strands by my ears.

It was game day.

The game everyone had waited for.

The game that had everyone on the edge of their seats.

It was an exciting feeling but also pretty weird considering how I knew someone from the other side.

It made the game more exciting and nerve wracking.

Camila was in the bathroom in my room, doing her makeup.

She explained to me how she couldn't do her makeup anywhere else except the bathroom.

My bedroom door opened up and Layla came inside.

She was wearing a red tie front shirt with short jean shorts.

Her cherry brown hair was wavy as it rested down her shoulders. It looked like she had just taken it out of a bun.

She stopped when she saw me. "Are you kidding me."

"What?" I wondered, holding back a smile. I kind of knew what she was going to say.

"Okay, Houdini." She walked into my room and sat down on my bed, pushing her hair behind her shoulder. "You literally disappeared for a whole week and left me at school."

"You act like you haven't done that before."

"No, I know. It's only okay when I do it."

I lightly laughed while cleaning up my vanity. After doing so, I stood up and walked to my full body mirror to see how I looked.

I was also wearing a red shirt. It was a backless crop top that had a criss cross tie at the back. I had on a similar pair of shorts like Layla.

"Okay, you guys ready?" Cam stepped out the bathroom while spraying setting spray over her face.

She had on jeans shorts just like us. The only thing different was she had on an orange crop top with spaghetti straps. It stopped just right under her chest.

She was wearing orange for her school and Layla and I were wearing red for our school.

It was 6:30 and we were leaving to get there early since this game was going to be more crowded than usual since it was the game of the season.

I nodded while walking over to the night stand to get my phone off charger.

"I'm ready too." Layla sat up from the bed. She was texting on her phone before putting it in her pocket. "I actually have something cool to show you guys."

Cam raised a brow. "Coming from you, I'm kind of nervous." Her black hair was straight.

"I would take offense to that, but I can't blame you." Layla started walking out of my room. Cam turned off the light as we followed behind her.

We walked out of the house and noticed something in the driveway.

Besides my Camaro and Camila's Audi, there was black jeep with tinted windows parked in the driveway.

It was definitely not Layla's white Lexus.

"Your mom got you a jeep?" I was surprised.

"No," She responded. "I put a loan down for it. She sold my car."

"Your mom sold your car?" Cam was surprised now.

"She was still a teeny bit salty over finding my weed pen and me hanging out with Easton, so she sold my car behind my back. I found out a few days ago and acted on impulse. Ending up going down to the dealership to get a loan and this baby," She gestured to the jeep.

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