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"DUE to an inappropriate and transgressive act that has happened last Monday at our school, there will be an inspection done on the student body by a team of police officers who will be present at our school next week. This school promotes the safety and the positive social interactions between staff members and students. Remember, this is a severe unlawful act that you can be tried for and convicted. Sincerely, Principal Atkins."

My mom brought her hand away from her face, still holding the letter in her finger tips. Her hazel eyes slightly narrowed at me and Kade as she parted her lips to speak. "I'm only going to ask both of you once and one time only. Did you two have anything, and I mean even it's just a piece of information in the slightest, thing to do with this?"

I shook my head and saw out of my peripheral view Kade shaking his too.

"I saw what happened," I told her. "But I didn't have anything to do with it."

"I was just as surprised as the next person." Kade nodded his head.

The letter had came this morning, most likely sent by email to all of our parents, but it was specifically mailed to us for some odd reason.

Maybe because Principal Atkins had a feeling that Kade and I had something to do with it.

He thought so low of us.

"Okay," My mom finally said, not fully believing us, but not pushing the subject.

Her wavy brown hair was in a low ponytail while she had wavy pieces by her ear.

She was wearing her nurse scrubs, about to leave for work. "I just wanted to make sure, because if the police came knocking at our door, I would know how to cover for you two."

I got up from the couch, following her over to the kitchen. "Aren't you going to ask what happened?"

"I don't know if I should," She responded, clipping her nurse id badge to her scrubs. "What happened?"

"You remember Brooklyn?" I asked her, sitting on the stool.

She thought for a moment before remembrance kicked in. "She was that rude ass girl who had it out for you and Layla since freshman year, right?"

My mom never liked her, not only because the things I told her, but because she hated Brooklyn's mom throughout high school.

Ironic, isn't it?

I nodded, pointing at her. "That's right. She cheated on Isaac-"

"The guy you're always arguing with but claim it isn't because you're in love with him?"

I sighed. "It's not."

She tiled her head at me, light colored eyes looking at me. "Funny how everyone sees it except you."

"I choose not to respond to that," I said. "But that's besides the point, Mom. She ended up getting leaked in front of the whole school having sex with his best friend."

"Hmm," She said, walking out of the kitchen. "I don't want to say that she deserved it, but karma always comes back to bite you in the fucking ass." She walked over towards me and placed her hands on the side of my face as she kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later, Acey. Take care of your brother."

"I don't need anyone to take care of me." Kade called out, turning on the tv with the remote.

"Didn't seem like that when you got jumped by those kids in the neighborhood." Our mom responded while walking toward the front door.

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