Party Fouls 2

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Regret never tasted so wrong. This had to be one of the weirdest dares on that stupid list. He couldn't imagine how awkward it would be when he did find the thief. At least he knew it was a girl. Unless it wasn't. The judges could be exceptionally cruel at times. But no, Max had specifically said she. The best he could hope for would be that she was a complete stranger that he'd never have to see again. What if it was one of his classmates? Like Chloe? He held back a gag, gripping onto his glass harder. This totally sucked.

"Hey bro, how'd the dare go?" Nino asked, propping up on the wall next to him with a drink in hand.

"I can't really talk about it, nor do I want to."

"Ohhh you got one of the secret ones. Those are fun."

He wasn't quite sure he would agree. He slid his hand into his pocket, running his fingers over the sleek remote. It had only one feature, a dial. He turned it onto the second lowest setting it had, his heart racing. It was probably stupid, to be so worried about it, but he was. The poor girl was probably embarrassed to death. Hell, he was embarrassed to death and he wasn't even the most compromised in the situation. He left it on that setting, taking a small sip of the cheap beer the party supplied.

"Did you do a dare?"

"I haven't completed it yet. Saving it for later."

Nino held up his glass, and Adrien toasted with him.

"I have to put an embarrassing picture of Alya on display. I'm torn between one of her hanging from a tree during an acuma attack, or one of her eating icecream in her Ladybug pajamas."

Adrien gritted his teeth, sending a scathing glare in the direction of the judges table. Why couldn't he have gotten one like that?

"Why are you glaring?"

"No reason." He sighed, taking another small sip.

At least it wasn't something embarrassing. His father would have his head if Adrien ended up in the tabloids for a dare as stupid as one someone had last year, which was smearing peanut butter all over themselves and then going into the gas station the next town over.

"What time is it?"

Nino checked his phone, before turning the screen to face him. Eleven thirty. He had an hour and a half to find the thief, and two hours before the party ended with the ceremonious skinny dip. How should he even go about searching for her? He didn't know a damn thing about panties. Did they hurt after a while? Would he be able to tell if it did? What if he accidentally made the girl cum? Why did that make his heart pound even harder? Did he like the idea of that? Getting a random girl hot and bothered? He shook his head, trying to dislodge those thoughts.

That was so, so screwed up.

"I think I'm gonna do the tree one. Wish me luck." Nino sighed, and Adrien watched him walk off.

He had the worst luck. Nino's dare was easy. If he didn't make this girl show herself, everyone was going to think he couldn't please a girl. He rolled his eyes, finishing off his beer. Marinette bumped against him, and he raised an eyebrow. She blushed darkly, muttering a string of incoherent apologies. He smiled softly, shaking his head.

"It's okay. Did you do a dare?"

Her eyes widened, and if at all possible, her blush darkened.

"Me? Dare? No. What dare? What's a dare? Did you hear something? Did someone say something? What do you know?"

Her questions came at him rapid fire, and he took a small step back, holding his hands up in surrender.

"I don't know anything?"

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