Miraculous Malfunction 7

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She slept in that Saturday, utterly exhausted from the night before. The roller coaster of emotions had completely drained her. And in her dreams she had spent all night making out with make believe Adrien. She could almost hate herself for it. She was an absolute perv. A stalker. An obsessed and madly in love monster. She groaned aloud, flipping over onto her stomach. That dream had been amazing. Wonderful and torturous all at once. She was left wanting. Desire had taken hold and was refusing to release her. She wanted to go back to sleep, praying he would be there waiting for her. But unfortunately, that same burning desire kept her heart pounding, making sleep evade her.

"Go take a cold shower. Then we can work some more on deciphering the ingredients."

Marinette grumbled, but a cold shower seemed like the best option. She couldn't sleep forever, though the thought was appealing. She could live in her dreamland, with the man of her dreams. She giggled at the thought, before making her way out of bed and into a shower. She took a nice hot one, before suddenly turning the water cold. It shocked all of her senses, turning her skin to ice and effectively turning her off. Her thoughts were once again swarmed with the green eyed blonde boy, her heart racing. If only life were as easy as it had been in that dream. If only he wanted her like that in real life. If only.

* * * * *

She sat down on the platform, scrolling through the pictures on her yo-yo. She had taken a few of the recipe book, hoping Chat could help make sense of some of it. He plopped next to her soon after, looking exhausted.

"Rough night Kitty?"

"I guess." He mumbled, not meeting her gaze.

That felt fabulous.

She shrugged it off, passing him her yo-yo as she sipped on her hot chocolate. His gaze darted to her cup, practically drooling.

"Tell me that's coffee."

"Ew. It's hot chocolate. Lots of sugar. Good for the soul."


"Ask me nicely."

He smiled faintly, before looking down at the pictures.


She passed him the cup, and he took a small sip, before starting to chug it.

"Woah! We said share. Not giving you the whole thing!"

She pulled it away from him, and he turned his attention back to the symbols.

"This will fix our miraculous?"


"What does all this mean?"

"I don't know. They're clues about each ingredient, but I haven't found the right combination."

He hummed, setting her yo-yo aside. He didn't seem very focused at all today.

"Everything okay?"


He spoke without hesitation, and she waited for him to continue. Did it have something to do with his miraculous? His kwami? Was something wrong with him?

"You told me before that you were in love with a boy."

She flinched, quickly looking away. That had always been a sore spot between the two of them.


"And... when you started liking someone else, other than that boy... did it feel wrong?"

He liked someone else? A small pang of disappointment ran through her, and she pushed it aside. He would always be her partner. No matter what.

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