The Disappearing Act 5

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"No. No it isn't." She sounded annoyed, rightfully so.

He couldn't help himself though. The way she had blushed at Luka during the party... he flipped back over, looking up at the skylight. He didn't want to be that person. But finding out that his lady had been her the entire time... it only solidified his feelings.

"Can we forget I mentioned that?"

"Eventually. Were you there today?"


She turned onto her side, leaning up to rest her head on her hand.

"At the party. Were you there?"

He smiled faintly, though he wished he hadn't been there. Seeing all of them again... he hated it. They didn't deserve to be there. By the way some of them refused to meet his gaze, he knew that they knew that too.

"I was."

"Did we speak?"


She hummed in response, and he looked over at her.

"I thought you weren't ready to know who I am."

"I'm not. There were far too many people there anyway, I wouldn't be able to tell who you were."

He nodded, his gaze returning to the skylight. He wished the stars were bright enough to see. He imagined it would be beautiful.

"Were you disappointed? When you found out it was me?"

How could he have been?


"Why not?"

"Because you're amazing Marinette." He responded simply, shifting his leg so it touched hers before closing his eyes.

His anxiety was slowly getting better. He hadn't been nearly as clingy during the party, but he had kept an eye on her most of the time. Aside from the times he sent glares at others.

"Are you a virgin?"

He snickered, his eyes shooting open as he looked at her.

"Are you offering princess?"

"No! I just... I'm curious."

"Hm. Well yeah, I am."

She sighed, moving to lay her head on his chest.

"At least I'm not alone then."

"Even if you were forty, you wouldn't be alone. Some people die virgins."

"Yeah... but it seemed most at the party weren't."

"Who the hell was mentioning their sex life to you?" He snapped, and she giggled, gently patting his chest.

"Alya is pregnant. I was obviously shocked that she had sex, which she thought was hilarious. She told me about who had slept with who in our class."

He rolled his eyes, pulling her completely on top of him.

"Don't worry about that. They had time to grow up. To find someone they wanted to do that with. You'll find someone like that too. But God, don't rush it. Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you need to."

"You sound like my mother."

"Well your mother knows what she's talking about."

He knew that. Years of getting advice from Sabine was proof enough. She always had a way with words. From scolding him about picking fights, to talking with him about his father. Everything. Her mother had practically stepped up as his, and he would be forever grateful for it.

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