Party Fouls 6

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"I just want us to be friends again."

There was that same old word, the one that never failed to slice straight to her heart. Her ribcage was useless at protecting against such attacks.


"Why do you keep saying why?"

"Why do you refuse to give me a straight answer?"

They both stopped, his expression troubled.

"I already told you. I don't know."

"Then what exactly to you want from me?"

"To be friends again." He answered without hesitation, and she swallowed the pain it brought up.

"Okay. Give me the remote and forget this night ever happened. We'll be friends again."

He looked hurt for a moment, and she wasn't sure why that was. She was offering exactly what he wanted.

"You just want to forget this night?" He questioned, pulling the remote out of his pocket and looking down at it.

"No need. You'll forget for the both of us."

She wouldn't forget it. She wouldn't be able to. That kiss had been on her mind for years. She was sure it would be on her mind for years to come too.

"And if I don't give it back?"

Her heart startled at the question, her pulse quickening almost instantly.

"Then I'll count to five."

"Again?" He whined softly, and she managed a small smile.

"One last time. I'll count to five. If you haven't told me why you did it, a real reason, by the time I finish, then you hand over the remote and everything goes back to the way it was."

"You're not being very fair right now."


He clenched and unclenched his fists, looking away from her.


"Jesus. Can't we just talk about this?"

"That's exactly what I want to do. Three."

He let out a frustrated groan, looking up at the sky.


"I liked it! Okay? Is that what you want me to say?" He blurted, and heat blossomed on her face.

But that wasn't enough.

"You liked what?"

He turned away from her, staring down the road, as if it was easier than looking at her.

"I liked how it felt. Your breathing changing, that flustered look. The way you melted against me when I kissed you. Seeing you on that bed... I liked all of it."

"Because of the dare?"

He snapped his gaze towards her, a look of utter disbelief crossing his features.

"What part of that sounded like it was because of the stupid dare?"

Then what? What was it that he liked about it so much? Was it just getting a girl hot and bothered without even touching her? Did it have anything to do with her at all?

"Was it just lust then? If it had been a complete stranger, would you have done the same?"

He hissed at her question, and she felt anger bubbling up inside her. It was a simple yes or no.

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