The Disappearing Act 1

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Three years.

Three years had passed since Ladybug's death.

Three years had passed since Gabriel had been thrown in prison.

Three years since Marinette went missing.

Three years since Chat Noir's duties had been reduced to fighting street crime.

It was a horrid anniversary. He tugged the collar of his jacket back up, pacing down the street. It was too warm for a jacket today, but he had been way too tired to bother coating himself in makeup. He could see Alix up ahead, sitting at their usual table. She didn't glance up from the magazine she was reading as he sat down and took the coffee she had already ordered for him.

"Get a load of this. Another string of victims have come forward with assault charges against the famed vigilante Chat Noir."

She slapped the magazine down on the table, and he rolled his eyes, though she couldn't see that due to his sunglasses.

"How terrible. Those poor victims." He muttered, and Alix crossed her arms.

"What was it this time? Stealing candy from a baby? Littering?"

"Well last night it was two men trying to assault a young lady in an alley. So forgive me for not feeling remorse for those so called victims."

She leaned across the table, snatching his glasses off of his face. She flinched at the sight of his black eye, and he immediately ducked his head to hide it.

"Adrien you're being reckless."

"Knock it off Alix." He hissed, snatching his glasses back.

"Would either of them want this for you? To be beaten by the public? To eventually be gunned down in one of your vigilante acts?"

He didn't care. It was all he had left.

"Any news?" He questioned, and she huffed, turning away as he sipped his coffee.

"You ask every week, and every week the answer is still no. It's been three years Adrien."

He knew that. He could practically feel every inch of the days as they drug on with nothing. No news. No clues. No answers. He sighed, stretching his legs out beneath the table. It was getting harder and harder to cope. Unlike the rest of his friends. The first year everyone was so concerned with finding her. Then it started tapering off. People didn't care as much. They had to move on with their lives. He knew Alix was reaching that point too. But he wouldn't allow it. He needed her skills.

"Adrien, look. I know you miss her. We all do. But maybe... maybe it's time to move on. When was the last time you had a modeling gig?"

Ignoring her question he looked around, anger seeping into his soul. How could Alix say that?

"You're giving up too?"

"Not giving up. But I can't spend all of eternity searching for her."

"Marinette would. She would search for us until her last breath. You know that."

Alix sighed, slumping down in her seat. He shook his head, standing up and grabbing his cup of coffee.

"Forget it. You can quit. I don't care. Not like you were much help anyway." He snapped, turning on his heel.


She grabbed his arm, her voice soft and pleading, and he sighed. He knew he was being unfair. But he couldn't move on like everyone else. He had tried. She was all he could think about.

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