Miraculous Malfunction 2

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"What would you suggest?"

She thought for a moment, trying to think of something good. She had the world at her fingertips here. She had never had a lucid dream before, but she was incredibly fond of it. It was amazing. Adrien had even appeared, without her having to think about it.

"We could go flying. Or dancing. Or both, like we did in New York."

Yes, this was perfect. He was perfect practice for talking to the real Adrien.

"No, wouldn't it make more sense to do things we've never done before? If this is a dream, anything is possible right?"

She nodded in agreement, the thought of having him confess his love making her heart race. But empty confessions from dream Adrien, who was only there because of her subconscious, would mean nothing. So what would be something fun they could do together?

"Maybe we could go to the museum and color on the artwork?" She offered, and within seconds they were there, a box of markers on the bench between them.

"I'm not gonna get used to that." He whispered, and she grinned.

This was always something she had thought about doing. She would never in real life, because it was art, and she'd be thrown in prison for the rest of her life, but this was a dream.

"So do you want to?" She questioned, and he shot her an amused look.

"I can't believe the first thing that popped into your head was something incredibly illegal."

"The second thing." She corrected, grabbing a marker and standing.

He slowly followed, grabbing a marker of his own.

"I've never done anything like this before." He mumbled, and another smile worked its way onto her mouth.

Of course he hadn't. He didn't exist before tonight. But what if he didn't exist after tonight?

She turned, watching him run a hand over the painting, as if he expected alarms to go off, or for someone to stop them. Was she wasting her time? If she didn't have another dream like this, she'd never get to practice anything with him.

"How's that?"

She gave a small nod, barely glancing at his scribbles on the painting.



She forced her attention on the painting in front of her, drawing a monocle and a top hat.

"Will I always be your friend?"

"Of course Marinette."

She hesitated, capping her marker. Of course even in her dreams, he would say that.

"And never more... or less?"

He turned, confusion obvious on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"N-nothing!" She blurted, moving down the hall to work on another painting.

She wasn't ready for that conversation anyway, even if it was with dream Adrien.

* * * * *

They sat side by side on the floor, taking a look at their handiwork. They had added something to every single painting in the hall, and had quickly grown bored with it, which had produced multiple with random things drawn in, like a duck, or a unicorn, even a pizza on one.

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