Party Fouls 3

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He stood on the second floor, his arms resting against the railing. Marinette stood down on the dance floor, her arms wrapped around herself. She looked incredibly self conscious, and he closed his eyes, letting out a sigh.

Why did it have to be her?

This was going to royally fuck over their friendship. It was already starting to. His heart was racing with the knowledge that she was his thief. And not in a 'woo-hoo, I won the dare' type of way. No, this was something much worse. It was excitement. He was actually excited that it had been her. He ran a hand through his hair, opening his eyes again. His gaze was already locked on her position, and he found that Alya was with her, hugging her tightly. She looked upset, and when Alya released her, he was horrified when she shot a glare in his direction.

How did she know? Did that mean Marinette knew too?

Marinette said something to her, before walking off through the crowd, in the direction of one of the coolers. Alya marched over to Nino, barking orders at him. Nino immediately looked in his direction, and his stomach churned.

Great, now they all fucking knew.

Nino paced up the stairs towards him, and panic seized his chest. Aly was going to have her boyfriend  murder him.


"Is she mad at me?"

Nino stopped, giving him a quizzical look before turning to look over the party.

"Alya wants me to bring out the trashbags and shovels. Mari doesn't know it's you. But she does know that the detective was playing that game with us. And she knows that he shut it off the second he realized it was her."

Adrien looked over at her again, his heart sinking. She was chugging a bottle of beer, and even in the darkness he could see she wore a grim expression.

"Women are complicated Adrien. Extremely so. But even you should be able to tell, that you royally hurt her feelings. She's terrified that the detective was disgusted it was her or something, since he stopped the game but didn't tell her who he was."

"It's going to change everything."

"If you don't tell her, her name and her dare goes on that list for the entire party. That will change everything. And everyone will know you're the one who had the remote."

He swallowed hard, rubbing the back of his neck. Nino watched him with a side glance, shaking his head.

"You'll embarrass her dude. So either end the game, and go tell her now, or keep the game going until you get the guts to tell her."

"Keep the game going? How can you even say that? If I keep it going when she finds out she's going to hate me."

"Not true. Marinette could never hate you. Besides. It's just a game."

It didn't feel like a game to him. It made his heart pound and butterflies slam into his ribcage. She was already upset because of it. How could it possibly be a game?

"I'll just upset her more."

"Test it. Turn it back on, and watch her reaction. Because if you don't do something, and you ruin this, I'm gonna have to take you out. My lady already requested it. And for me it's lover before brother. So get your shit together brother. Because I would hate to have to hurt you."

Adrien chuckled, and Nino reached over, patting him on the shoulder before heading back down the stairs to Alya. Adrien swallowed his worries, heading back into the crowd as well. He made it close to where Marinette stood, watching her as un-obviously as he could. She was leaning back against the wall, looking up at the dancing lights on the celing. He stuck his hand into his pocket, his blood pumping so violently it pounded against his skull. He slowly turned the dial up, and her eyes fluttered, a deep blush erupting across her cheeks, accompanied by a small smile. He bit the inside of his lip, turning the dial a bit higher. She inhaled sharply, leaning her head back, exposing her neck. Images of her and him flooded through his mind, and he tried as quickly as he could to shove them back down. He loved Ladybug. Before it had been nothing but a harmless dare, that would lead to nothing but an awkward encounter with a stranger. He had never expected to know the thief. Nor had he expected to want them as badly as he did. He turned away, closing his eyes. She was his friend. She had always been that. Why was this changing that?

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