The Disappearing Act 12

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"Morning Chat? Is that what you were going to say?"

She blushed furiously, both at how close they were and at what he was insinuating.

"Of course not."

"You totally were! Getting close with an alley cat Mari?"

"I am not!" She squeaked, gently pushing away from him.

"He said you two were as thick as thieves. I didn't believe him until now."

He grinned, and she rolled her eyes, heading down the steps. He followed soon after, stepping between her and her closet.

"What else did he tell you?"

"Worried he spilled your secrets?"

"Loose lips do sink ships."

"Oh! So you two are a ship now?"

She giggled, stepping around him to her closet to pick out clothes for the day. She felt like being lazy, maybe a sweatshirt and jeans.

"So what's your ship name?"


"You know, what you call a couple."

"We aren't a couple."

Adrien sat down in her desk chair, sliding it closer to watch her.

"What about chanette?"

"Sounds like some kind of cologne."

"Fine. What do you suggest?"

She glanced at him, dragging her fingers across her lips to signify zipping them.

"Ah, yes loose lips sink ships. So I guess its up to me to dub thee a name."

What was with him trying to ship her and Chat?

"What about Noiette?"





She felt a small smile touch her lips, and she focused on tugging a sweatshirt from the hanger.

"Marichat has a nice ring to it." He murmered softly, and she closed her eyes.

"Chat and I are just friends."

"You don't like him?"

It wasn't about that. It had never been about that. Before, yes she didn't like him that way. She loved Adrien. Plus, with hawkmoth they simply couldn't reveal themselves. A relationship with so many secrets would surely fail. But now... now what was it? She still loved Adrien. But it was different with Chat.

"Your silence speaks volumes."

"Oh? What does it say?"

"That you're madly in love with him. That you just can't control yourself or your beating heart when-"

She threw the sweatshirt at him, giggling when he pulled it off of his head.

He chuckled, getting up and grabbing a duffle bag she hadn't noticed the night before.

"Can I trust you not to peek?" He questioned, waving his clothes at her.

She blushed, turning around.

"S-sure. As long a-as you do the same."

"Your wish is my command."

He really seemed to like that phrase. She took a breath, trying not to think of the man currently undressing behind her as she grabbed her own clothes. She quickly stripped, tugging on the sweatshirt.

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