The Disappearing Act 6

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"Lucky Charm!"

She turned, watching Mister bug use her power. She hated that she couldn't be Ladybug. She already missed it. Being multimouse wasn't awful, but it certainly didn't have the benefits that Ladybug had. A small charm fell into his hands, and they both stared at it.

"Seriously?" He hissed under his breath, looking back up at the thing currently slamming itself into another building.

"You don't see anything?"

"No. But this charm looks like that thing on it's chest. Maybe that's where the acuma is?" He questioned, and she squinted, seeing a diamond shape square in the middle of it's chest.

"Maybe. Get me close to it."

"Look at that thing. You don't need to be anywhere near it."

She clenched her jaw shut, trying to reign in her anger. She was so angry for some reason. Of course, there were plenty of reasons. Missing three years. Her friends and family torturing themselves when they could have just gotten over it. And this. Him. Treating her like some stupid porcelain doll.

"You know what Chat?"


"I am the guardian. If I wanted, I could take your miraculous. You know what that means kitty? I'm the boss. Not you. So, do as I tell you. Or, hand over the miraculous. Including the ones at your house."

He stared at her for what felt like hours. His expression was stone, and finally he looked away.

"Okay, Boss. Tell me what to do."

She ignored his tone, pointing towards the creature.

"Get me close to it."

"Of course, boss."

He grabbed her wrist, yanking her over to him. He threw the yo-yo farther down the street, swinging them as high into the air as they could get, before releasing the yo-yo. She gripped onto his arm, pissed that he had only grabbed her wrist. They fell into a free fall, directly above the thing mindlessly slamming into buildings. Upon closer inspection, she realized it had no features, despite it's body type looking like that of a male's.

"Mullo, divide."

She pulled out of Chat's grip, separating into hundreds of mini multi-mice. Some missed the target, but most landed on the creature's chest. They all made their way to the diamond, trying to shatter it. Some even attempted to use their jump rope tails. When they finally started making progress, in the form of a crack, the thing took notice. It began slamming itself into the building again, trying to crush them off of him. Marinette had to be careful, shrinking them down even smaller. Which unfortunately also made their efforts against the diamond charm practically useless. Suddenly Chat slammed the yo-yo directly into the charm, shattering the rest of it. An acuma flew out, sending some of them flying off of the creature. They jumped off as it detransformed, a horrified man suddenly screaming as he fell.

"Mullo, unify!" She shouted, and they slowly began rejoining into her original form.

She finally got there, grabbing onto the man just as they neared the ground. Someone slammed into both of them, forcing them sideways instead of down. They skidded on the pavement, and she gave Chat a relieved smile. He didn't return it however, moving to purify the acuma.

"Sir are you alright? How did this happen?"

"I...I don't know. I was arguing with my wife. Everything just went white." His voice shook with each word, and she nodded, her gaze darting to Chat.

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