Party Fouls 7

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They sat in silence, only broken occasionally by the two men in the front seat making small talk. One was named Brent, the other's name started with an S, but he couldn't remember if it was Steve or Shawn.

"So what are you two lovebirds doing out so late?" The driver, Brent asked, and Adrien flinched at his choice of words.

"We were at a party. And we're just friends." Marinette answered, a dull ache forming in his chest.

"Oh? So you're not his girlfriend? Are you... anyone's girlfriend?" Shawn/Steve asked, turning around in his seat to look at her with hopeful eyes.

Adrien clenched his jaw, annoyance creating a sour taste in his mouth.

Where did that guy get off? They were literally strangers. Why would he-

"Nope. Nobody's girlfriend."

He glanced at her, his eyes narrowing at the blush staining her cheeks. She couldn't be serious. This guy just picked them up in the middle of nowhere. She wouldn't really let him pick her up, would she?

"In that case, I don't suppose you'd be willing to give me your number?"

"Well Shawn, I suppose we'll see when you drop me off."

She was flirting with the stranger. After literally just confessing her love for him. Wow, such unwavering loyalty. He turned his gaze out the window, watching trees whirling past. It shouldn't matter to him anyway. He was in love with Ladybug. And Marinette was just... he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Could he ever call her that again without thinking of all the times he had said it to her face, probably hurting her by doing so? After everything that had just said and done?

"I can't wait." Shawn hummed, giving her a smirk before turning around in his seat.

Adrien leaned over to Marinette, unwarranted anger swallowing him.

"Moving on that fast huh?"

She squinted at him, before crossing her arms.

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you Agreste."

"I'm not jealous." He whispered, and she rolled her eyes.

"Why would I be jealous? I have something that guy will never have."

Marinette looked at him, and he could already see warning flashing in her eyes. She thought he was going to say something about her loving him, but no. He wasn't going to go that low. But he was still going low.

"And what's that?"

He held up the remote, her eyes widening almost immediately.

"You wouldn't."

"I would."

He shifted back into his seat, turning the dial up about a forth of the way. She inhaled sharply, moving into the middle seat next to him.

"Turn it off."

"I thought you liked when I turned it on."

Her blush darkened, and she elbowed him in the ribcage. Who knew she could be so violent?

"Give it back."

"I can't. Because, If we're talking technically, you never had it in your possession. It's impossible for me to give it back."

He crammed it in his pocket as he spoke, knowing full well she was already planning to make a grab for it.

"Just hand it over."

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