The Disappearing Act 10

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"Yes?" He questioned, tilting his head slightly as if he didn't understand why she had asked.

He had sounded so familiar just then. The pun, the smirk. It all felt familiar, she just wasn't sure why. Adrien had never really made puns like that before, but then again, alot had changed. A wave crashed against them, knocking the shell from her hands.

"No!" She whined, diving in an attempt to find it again.

But it was gone. She was left with nothing but sand sifting through her fingers. She broke the surface, cursing softly to herself.

"What happened?"

"I dropped it."

He stared at her for a moment, before chuckling.

"Hey! It is not funny!"

"It totally is."

She groaned, moving closer so that she could see the shell in his hand. Hers had definitely been bigger, but with no proof that made him the winner.

"What was your bet?"

He glanced down at the shell in his hand, and she watched him shrug, handing to to her. Her heart skyrocketed when his fingers brushed over hers, butterflies swarming beneath her skin.

"I... couldn't think of one." He sighed, and she frowned.

He needed to come up with something. She looked down at the shell, smiling softly. It was a present. From Adrien. She was going to melt.

"Let's head back to shore hm?"

"What about your bet?"

He turned back to her, his gaze roaming over her face. For a moment, she could have sworn his eyes had stopped at her mouth, but when she blinked, he was looking into her eyes.

"How about this? Since you lost your shell right before we judged, we both win. It's only fair, considering how long you gave me to find one. I'll keep my bet, and we can do yours."


He smiled softly, his hand grabbing her free one.

"Your wish is my command, remember?"

His fingers interlocked with hers, and for the millionth time, she swooned. This moment was amazing. Beautiful sky, warm sun. Top less Adrien holding her hand. It would be the perfect time to kiss him.


Her gaze trailed to his lips, wondering what it would be like. The water seemed to push them closer together, and when another wave crashed against them his other hand went to her hip, keeping them close.



She couldn't say it. She almost had, earlier in the bakery. Why couldn't she do that now? She started to lean in, before her thoughts knocked some sense into her. What if she did kiss him? What then? What if he only kissed her back out of pity? What if he felt bad that she had been missing, so he kisses back and maybe even gives her a pity date? She forced herself to freeze, giving a small shake of the head.

"I want to build a sandcastle." She blurted, pulling away from him to head to shore.

He didn't say anything, but she could hear him behind her, walking through the water. She sighed, looking down at the shell in her hands. It seemed as if nothing had changed after all.

* * * * *

She woke up on the train, her head in Adrien's lap. He was leaning against the window, staring down at his phone. She remembered falling asleep on the beach. She wasn't sure how she had gotten here. She started to move, but her entire body protested. It felt as if she weighed a thousand pounds. Adrien shifted his phone out of his face, looking down at her.

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