The Disappearing Act 13

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Warning. Sexual content.


He glanced up at the sky, smiling at the way the setting sun lit up the clouds with a brilliant orange.

"You seem happy."


He glanced away from the sky to Marinette, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"You've been smiling more."

"Oh, yeah. I guess I'm in a good mood."

"You and Nino seemed to hit it off."

He smiled faintly, giving a small nod. He hadn't actually talked to Nino in a long time. He even seemed to do a little better with Alya. He was still upset and angry, but it was easier to play nice with them than he had thought it would be.

"Are you happy?"

He turned to look at her fully, boldly slipping his hand into hers.

"I was happy when you came back Marinette. You don't have to fix me. I'm fine."

She blushed, looking down at their hands. Surprisingly, she didn't pull her hand away.

"Do you think you could be friends with them eventually?"

"Eventually. I'm still... not okay with everything. But you're back now. So, I'll attempt to leave the past in the past."

She squeezed his hand as they got to the bakery, before letting go. He understood. Her father had scared the shit out of him earlier, and he hadn't even done anything. He hadn't even seen anything. He had been sure that at any moment Tom was going to pick him up and chuck him in the oven.

"Thank you. For today. It meant a lot that you tried."

He grinned, languidly dipping into a bow.

"Your wish-"

"Is my command." She finished for him, making his pulse quicken.

She smiled, pulling open the door to the bakery.

"Come on. Let's go eat something."

* * * * *

Tom luckily seemed more at ease with him, almost apologetic. Marinette was more quiet than she had been before, and he assumed it was because of how embarrassing it had been earlier.

"Did you two have fun today?" Sabine asked, and when Marinette gave no response he answered for her.

"Suprisingly it was a pretty good day."

"That's wonderful. I'm so glad you four are spending time together again. It's good to have friends."

He nodded, staring down at his food. He would try his best for Marinette to forget about the past. About their betrayal. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. It was going to take a hell of a lot of work to move past that. He felt Marinette's hand on his knee and he smiled, looking over at her to signal that he was fine, but she wasn't looking at him. Her cheeks were scarlet, and she kept shifting in her seat, not sitting still.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, and her response was to move her hand up his thigh.

He grabbed her hand, his heart pounding. What the hell was she doing? She twisted her hand, slowly running her fingers back and forth across his palm. It sent waves of lightning searing up his arm, and he forced himself to focus on his food. Why was she acting different? She shifted again, a shuttering sigh leaving her lips.

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