The Disappearing Act 15

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She sagged in relief, the burning in her skin suddenly dying. Chat must have gotten rid of the acuma. Now she was left with nothing but dying want, and an incredibly massive sense of both guilt and embarrassment. She had forced herself on him. On Adrien too. And now, she was half naked, tied to her bed, and she couldn't even ask the kwamis to untie her. She hated this. She hated acumas and her stupid lust crazed actions. How was she supposed to apologize for that? For any of it, to either of them? A noise caught her attention, and panic grabbed hold as she felt her bed shift. She couldn't see anything, what if her parents had come in? What if a stranger had broken in?

"Spots off."

Her body sagged in relief, and she felt Chat move to her legs, quickly untying them. He pulled a blanket over her as he moved to her hands, not saying a single word. She felt the blood rush back to her fingers and she sat up, pulling the scarf out of her mouth.

"Mari... I-"

She hugged him, suprised at the feeling of his clothes instead of leather.

"Thank you."

He sank into her touch, wrapping his arms around her.


"For... taking care of me." She breathed, burying her face into his neck.

He squeezed her tightly, and she blushed as she felt him pull the blanket back around her. She had almost forgotten what she had been wearing.

"Plagg cl-"

"Wait." She blurted, and he slowly shifted.


She pulled away, running her fingers over the blindfold.

"Let's give the kwamis a break."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, laying back. She waited for him to join her, but he didn't.

"Chat? Will you lay with me?"

He slowly shifted, laying down next to her. He seemed off.

"Was the acuma hard to handle by yourself?"

"It was much more difficult than the last one." He admitted, and she curled up at his side, her hand sliding over his chest.

He felt more real like this. Of course, she had always known Chat was real. But having him next to her in his civilian clothes only solidified it.

"What happened?"

"You don't want to know."

She did. She wanted to know why he seemed so uncomfortable, aside from her throwing herself at him before. He seemed to be handling it better before he left her.

"Please?" She questioned, and felt him sigh.

"It involves you and me. Like I said, you don't want to know."

No, now she needed to know. She hadn't been around him after he left. She had been stuck to the damn bed.

"Chat, tell me."

He groaned in response, and she felt him shift, likely bringing his hands to his face.

"When I got to the park, there were a lot of civilians, practically doing it on the grass."

She bit back a giggle at the thought, though she was sure it wasn't funny actually being there.

"The acuma grabbed my arm. And I was back here."

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