The Disappearing Act 19

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He suddenly ripped away from her, a whine of pain leaving his lips. She fought not to open her eyes as he shifted away.

"I'm covered." He sighed, and she looked down at the blanket.

She hated that he was in pain because of her. She shifted to lay next to him, taking the hand he had left outside of the blanket and pulling it to her chest.

"I love you."

Her heart burned at his words. She knew he did. And she was starting to realize she did too. She loved him. She trusted him with her entire being. How could you not love someone like that? It still didn't change her feelings for Adrien. She was screwed either way. But she would tell him. Tonight. She would tell him everything. A small part of her prayed that he would just smile, and tell her it was okay, but that he wanted to be friends. She didn't care how he was in her life, boyfriend or friend. But she knew she needed him in it. No matter what, she needed him there. Both of them. She closed her eyes, exhausted from a morning spent crying. She missed the old days. What was only weeks ago for her, years for them. She wished she could undo it all.

* * * * *

She felt someone brush her hair from her face, and she opened her eyes, staring at a transformed Chat Noir.

"Hey Mari."

"Are you okay?" She blurted groggily, sitting up, he smiled, giving a small affirmative nod.

"Yeah. Sore, but okay."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, sighing softly.

"Don't scare me like that again."

"I don't plan on it."

Tiki flew between them, impatiently fluttering back and forth.

"I have something to show you."

Marinette pulled away from him, and they both followed Tiki down into her room.

"What is it?"

Tiki stopped by a dry erase board, one Marinette remembered she used to use for Adrien's schedule. There were five words written there.

"Love, jealousy, hunger, anger, and exhaustion? We playing charades?" Chat joked, and Tiki picked up a marker, looking annoyed.

"You're as bad as Plagg."

She pointed at the first word.

"What's another word for love?" She questioned, and Marinette frowned.



"Lust?" Chat asked, and her heart jumped at the word.

Tiki wrote it on the board, pointing to jealousy.

"This one?"

"Envy?" Marinette asked, and she nodded, writing it down.

"What about anger?"

"Rage. Wrath." Chat butted in quickly, seeming to enjoy the game.

Tiki wrote wrath on the board, and Marinette frowned. Why were they playing this game?

"And exhaustion?"

"Sleepy? Tired?" He asked, only to recieve a shake of her kwami's head.

The room grew silent, and Marinette tried to come up with something, but before she could Chat spoke again, his voice much softer.

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